Weekly Roundup – 11-Feb-24
Barclay 578 (ROF 1) and Class 33 ‘Crompton’ D6566 were stabled on No. 1 road in the South Yard at Williton on Friday 9th February 2024. Photo by Jon Tooke © CC BY-NC 3.0
The focus of activity last weekend was the delivery of two new (one trip) 20 ft ISO containers that will allow us to move the Class 33 spares from an old and corroding container to the dry and brighter environment of the new, with an additional container allowing the overcrowded electrical workshop to be cleared of spare parts. These two new containers will be followed by two more in a few weeks that will allow other corroded containers to be swapped over and will give us a net increase of one container in terms of storage space. The preparations for the new containers have involved a lot of hard work and a wide cross-section of our volunteers have been involved over the past weeks, but the benefits are clear and long-lasting, so well done all involved !
The first of two new ‘one trip’ containers being offloaded by the supplier HEAVER BROTHERS at Williton on Friday 9th February 2024. Photo by Martin Howard © CC BY-NC 3.0
The two new ‘one trip’ containers in their final positions at Williton on Friday 9th February 2024. Photo by Jon Tooke © CC BY-NC 3.0
The two new containers arrived pre-wired with power sockets and lighting, making them far superior to our existing container stock. Pictured at Williton on Friday 9th February 2024 by Jon Tooke © CC BY-NC 3.0
The task of transferring the spares from the electrical workshop to the new containers was well underway when pictured at Williton on the late afternoon of Saturday 10th February 2024. Photo by Andy Royal © CC BY-NC 3.0
WSR DIESEL GALA 2024 – Thursday 6th through Saturday 8th JUNE
The WSR’s Summer Diesel Festival will take place from Thursday 6th through to Saturday 8th June with mixed traction running on Sunday 9th, hopefully with at least one visiting locomotive at work.
The first visiting locomotive to be announced is English Electric Class 50 50033 (D433) ‘Glorious’, no doubt to the delight of the many followers of the class. We will provide details of the other visiting locomotives as soon as arrangements for their visits have been finalised. PLEASE MAKE A NOTE OF THESE DATES and do your best to attend. It is going to be a great event !
English Electric Class 50 50033 (D433) ‘Glorious’ will be attending the WSR’s 2024 DIESEL GALA that takes place between Thursday 6th and Saturday 8th June 2024. Photo by Tony Middleton © CC BY-NC 3.0
Our popular ‘DIESEL RUNNING DATES‘ page has been updated to cover the WSR public services that are planned for diesel haulage this year, so CLICK HERE or on the image below to visit the page and see the range of dates available. We will be providing the loco allocations soon and will keep this page up to date as we get clarification on the details.
Class 52 D1010 ‘WESTERN CAMPAIGNER’ – we start by taking a moment to remind ourselves of D1010’s big day out, 47 years ago on 13th February 1977 when she worked the ‘WESTERN REQUIEM RELIEF‘ railtour from Paddington to the South Wales Valleys via Gloucester while in the last weeks of her mainline operating career. The railtour was a great success and ran again the following weekend – but luck was against our loco on that occasion. More on this story next week.
D1010 – the last time that our loco reached the heads of the South Wales Valleys was on 13th February 1977 when she worked the ‘WESTERN REQUIEM RELIEF‘ railtour from Paddington via Gloucester and Cardiff. Evidently there was plenty of carriage heating steam to spare ! Pictured when departing from Aberdare by Kelvin Lumb © CC BY-NC 3.0
As our plans to lift the loco develop, the massive steel stands that were acquired from BR-Swindon many years ago have undergone inspection and been painted in primer and undercoat by Gordon and Ian F. These substantial frames are formed from thick steel plate that has been welded along all edges to create a very stiff and strong structure, easily capable of carrying the weight of the locomotive body.
The stands were modified by BR after withdrawal of the ‘Westerns’ to make them suitable for use with Mark 1 coaches, so we are having to perform stress analysis work to determine if the modifications can remain, or if the stands have to be returned to their earlier configuration. The analytical work include abnormal loading cases such as misalignment and uneven loading, and will also include the effects of side forces from gales, because the intention is to use them outdoors. We cannot be too careful with D1010 !
The transmission team had to diverted some of their attention to investigate the issues with D7018 but are still expecting to complete their overhaul of the ‘A’ transmission before the end of this month, providing us with two fully-overhauled transmissions in support of returning D1010 to service.
We still have plenty of work ahead of us on other aspects, in particular the bogies, and we will need MORE HANDS to help us get the work done. If you want to see this locomotive back on the rails soon, then PLEASE COME ALONG AND HELP US WITH THE WORK ! There is plenty to do, so simply reply to this email or use the CONTACT FORM on our website if you can lend a hand.
D1010 – the genuine ex-Swindon Works Class 52 loco stands were painted in primer and undercoat by Gordon and Ian F at Williton on Saturday 10th February 2024. The modifications to extend their width and height to suit Mark 1 coaches can be seen in the darker grey colour. Photo by Andy Royal © CC BY-NC 3.0
D1010 – the reverser assembly of the overhauled ‘A’ end transmission was re-installed by Tim and Colin F at Williton on Tuesday 6th February 2024. Photo by Colin Foxhall © CC BY-NC 3.0
Sponsorships for patches on D1010 continue to come in, for which we are VERY grateful indeed. We have many more patches waiting for sponsors, so please support the CAMPAIGN for CAMPAIGNER and click here or the image further below to get your name engraved into the metal of the locomotive.
The certificates are now being emailed to the sponsors and we have hundreds to be sent out, so we are very busy with this work. Here’s an example of what we are sending out (we have changed the photo below compared to the last few weeks, just to show that we do actually have more than one sponsor!):
The marking process involves the use of an ink pen to allocate a patch number and define the patch boundaries, then the sponsor’s name or chosen message is written using the ink pen. The vibratory engraving tool is then used to trace the marking while making a deep impression into the steel of the patch. The patch is then painted over using multiple coats, but the engraving remains in the metal and will withstand many rubdowns and repaints, in fact it is very difficult to remove (which is how we learned to write the text using the ink pen first!). The engraving will last as long as the metal. Here’s a close-up:
Sponsorship includes a photograph and a certificate via email, but we can print the certificates on photo paper and mail them out upon request, in which case we would like to ask for an additional £2 donation per certificate to cover photo paper, ink and postage (donate via our website or via Membermojo).
The drawings that have been developed in parallel will provide a formal record of the position of each sponsored patch and this will allow sponsors to look up the location of their patch when they visit the depot at Williton. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT – and your PATIENCE !
Click the image below to sponsor a patch. Thank you in advance for your support and your patience!
Details of the work remaining to be done on this restoration project along with a status report of the funding have been included in the new issue of the DEPG Newsletter, which has now been distributed to DEPG members. A summary will be posted via roundup soon, but JOIN THE DEPG to get the information in more detail and more quickly.
See our CAMPAIGN for CAMPAIGNER web page for more details. We still have a lot of work to do on this massive locomotive, so PLEASE DO COME ALONG AND HELP IF YOU CAN !
Class 33 D6566 (33 048) – this loco is currently based at Williton and will be out and about on engineering workings during the next few weeks.
Class 33 D6575 (33 057) – the long-awaiting exhaust gaskets arrived in time for the weekend and progress was brisk as the exhaust system was reassembled and ready for a test start-up by the end of the day on Saturday. The start-up took place in the evening but revealed a leaking fuel injector seal on number 7 cylinder head, so the relevant parts were dis-assembled the following day so that the cylinder head could be changed for a spare from our stock. This is a setback, but the team are confident that they will be ready to try again this Saturday, fingers crossed !
D6575 (33 057) – this loco is undergoing an exhaust system overhaul inside the loco shed at Williton. The rolling chassis and cab of Class 14 ‘Teddy Bear’ D9518 can be seen alongside. Pictured at Williton on 9th February 2024 by Jon Tooke © CC BY-NC 3.0
D6575 (33 057) – volunteer loco manager Ian R aligns one of the exhaust manifold sections that connect the cylinder heads with the turbocharger. The gap will be filled by an expansion joint – see below. Pictured at Williton on Saturday 10th February 2024 by Andy Royal © CC BY-NC 3.0
D6575 (33 057) – the expansion joint includes a stainless steel bellows that compresses or expands depending on the thermal expansion or contraction of the surrounding pipework. Without such devices, the exhaust manifold would become overstressed and would fail prematurely. Pictured at Williton on Saturday 10th February 2024 by Andy Royal © CC BY-NC 3.0
Class 35 ‘Hymek’ D7017 – as reported last week, this loco is ready to return to service subject to some test runs that will be used to accumulate hours and ensure reliability. This loco will undergo an oil change when warmer weather returns and will be ready for test running as soon as the WSR re-opens.
Class 35 ‘Hymek’ D7018 – following the decision taken last week to remove the transmission for replacement of the damaged No. 5 reverser clutch, the work on disconnecting the transmission is planned to be started next week. Step number one is to drain the coolant so that the transmission heat exchanger can be disconnected. Then, the electrical wiring to the various solenoids and the directional contactor will be disconnected and made safe. After that, the auxilliary cardan shafts that connect the transmission with the dynastarter and the Serck pump will be removed, followed by the very large and heavy engine-to-transmission cardan shaft, which only needs to be disconnected at the transmission end. The dirtiest job of them all will be to go under the locomotive to disconnect the bogie drive shafts from the output shaft at the bottom of the transmission – and right between the two fuel tanks.
With sufficient resource applied, we should be able to have the 6-tonne transmission ready to be lifted out when the heavy-duty crane is next on site on March 8th in connection with the re-location of some containers. This will minimise the cost of the lifting operation and gives us a clear target to aim at.
Below are photos of the damaged No. 5 clutch with a comparison view of the adjacent No. 6 clutch. The No.5 clutch has not been able to engage properly, and this has resulted in damage to the driving surfaces of the clutch teeth. The damaged parts will need to be replaced with spares taken from the transmission that ran in D7018 during BR days.
D7018 – the actuator for clutch #5 was manipulated into the fully engaged position for this photo, but it is clear that the clutch teeth have not fully engaged. This has resulted in damage to the driving faces of the clutch teeth. Pictured at Williton on 6th February 2024 by Geoff Miles © CC BY-NC 3.0
D7018 – by comparison, clutch #6 for the opposite direction engages fully. The slopes on the surfaces of the clutch jaws are intentional. Pictured at Williton on 29th January 2024 by Geoff Miles © CC BY-NC 3.0
Although we hope to be able to use spare parts that we have available, we will still need to replace seals, bearings, gaskets as necessary and we also need to drain the oil and have new oil available. All of these things cost money. PLEASE HELP by making a donation of £10 or by buying our 64-page A4 HYMEK D7018 BOOKLET (£10) which covers the history of this locomotive from build through to her return to service in 2019 following her major overhaul. THANK YOU VERY MUCH !
Click here or on the image above to order your copy of our ‘HYMEK D7018’ booklet, available for £10.
Click here or on the donation image above to go to the donations page on our website. If you feel able to donate more than £10, simply increase the quantity when on the donations page. Thank you in advance for your support !
Class 14 ‘Teddy Bear’ D9518 – with the electrical control cubicle now back in position in the cab, the painstaking task of wiring the cubicle into the driver’s desk circuitry has begun. The wiring between the cubicle and the rest of the locomotive cannot be started until the cab assembly is back on the locomotive, and that depends on the cardan shaft issue being resolved. Faced with this dilemma, Colin G spent a few days driving a van across the Country to collect some candidate cardan shafts and deliver them to the balancing shop for inspection – and if they are good enough for continued service, we will have them re-balanced and then we can fit them to the loco. All of our fingers are firmly crossed on this one !
D9518 – the restored electrical control cubicle is now back inside the partially-restored cab. John, who is framed by the opposite doorway, is the volunteer responsible for the excellent electrical restoration work on this and many of our other locos. Pictured at Williton on Saturday 10th February 2024 by Andy Royal © CC BY-NC 3.0
D9518 – the restored electrical control cubicle really is an excellent piece of work by John and Colin G, and will no doubt serve this locomotive well into the future. Pictured at Williton on Saturday 10th February 2024 by Andy Royal © CC BY-NC 3.0
Details of the work remaining to be done on this restoration project along with a status report of the funding have been included in the new issue of the DEPG Newsletter, which has now been distributed to DEPG members. A summary will be posted via roundup soon, but JOIN THE DEPG to get the information in more detail and more quickly.
This loco is the subject of a fundraising appeal so please follow this link to find out more. We need your help ! In addition to funds, we also need plenty of HANDS. If you love the ‘Teddy Bears’ and you are not already a member of the DEPG, please join us so that you can become one of the team that is going to return D9518 to fully operational condition as ‘NCB No. 7‘.
Class 14 ‘Teddy Bear’ D9526 – this loco is on standby at Bishops Lydeard for use on engineering trains.
Class 47 47077 ‘NORTH STAR’ – after receiving a top-end overhaul at Grosmont Works, this loco is now available for duty on the North Yorkshire Moors Railway. The plan is for this loco to be in use this month on engineering trains and empty coaching stock ECS) moves.
Andrew Barclay 0-4-0DH 578 – this loco is stabled on number 3 road at Williton and has just had the benefit of the ‘JT’ treatment after many hours of care and attention being lavished by stalwart volunteer JON TOOKE. We have previously reported on the external treatment, but the newly-completed internal cab repaint has pushed the restoration to new heights ! We will report in more detail in a future Newsletter, but here is a photo to show what has been achieved. Well done JT !
Barclay 578 (ROF 1) – the cab repaint has been completed and what a superb job it is. We will now have a queue of drivers wanting to get trained on this loco, just so they can enjoy the ambience ! Well done JT ! Pictured at Williton on 10th February 2024 by Jon Tooke © CC BY-NC 3.0
If you can help by donating your time to any of these projects, then please JOIN US and come along to the depot for an introduction to what we do and how we do it. We currently have people on site from Saturday through to Tuesday and we can open on other days if we can be sure of getting at least two volunteers on site at all times, so there is plenty of scope. We have tasks of all types to suit most capabilities, both skilled and unskilled.
Many thanks to all of our volunteers who give up so much of their time to work on the cleaning, painting, maintaining, restoring, managing and fund raising for our fleet of heritage locomotives !
BOOK REVIEW – this week, we feature two more pre-owned books from a collection that has been very kindly donated to the DEPG, both of great interest and offered at very good prices. Both books are of high quality and these copies are in exellent condition. All monies gathered from the sale of pre-owned books go directly to DEPG funds for the upkeep of our locomotive fleet, so we would like to say thank you very much to all who have donated and all who have purchased from our online store. Check our online store regularly and change the ‘default sorting’ to ‘sort by latest’ to keep an eye on new postings.
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Book: Diesel Hydraulics – a colour retrospective Author : Andrew Vines |
Book: Class 50 – A Pictorial Journey Author: David Cable |
Asking price : £15 |
Asking price : £10 |
ON SHED – following our appeal for photographs, we are delighted to say that we received several batches of photos, enough to allow us to reinstate this feature for the next month or two. If you were poised to send your photos, please don’t let this deter you because we NEED MORE ! Here’s another photograph, along with some feedback from Neale Long that we have received regarding last week’s photo, with many thanks to ROB CRISPIN for sharing his memories.
Neale Long wrote:
“Nice to see a shot of my home town Gloucester with one of the stalwart class 08s. The featured 08836 came to Gloucester in June 1978 and left in January 1987 when it went to Cardiff Canton. This loco was not everyone’s favourite though; mine was 08826 (D3994), a locomotive based at the nearby Horton Road shed from December 1960 when only two months old, right through to July 1982, when upon overhaul it was sent to Carlisle.”
Many thanks to Rob and Neale for responding to our ‘on-shed’ appeal.
BR-Derby Class 45 ‘Peak’ 45036 (D45) was waiting for the signal before heading east then north with a train of coiled sheet steel from South Wales while Class 08 ‘Shunter’ 08836 (D4004) appeared to be taking a rest on the adjacent siding, facing west. A collection of locos can just be seen at Horton Road stabling point, beyond the station. Pictured at Gloucester Station on 22nd June 1982 by Rob Crispin © CC BY-NC 3.0
Long-term resident Class 08 ‘Shunter’ 08826 (D3994) was pictured at Gloucester Horton Road stabling point on 18th October 1981. This loco features in ‘The Beaten Track Volume 3‘ on Page 95, available from our online store. Photo by Rob Crispin © CC BY-NC 3.0
DEPG NEWS – the new issue of the DEPG Newsletter has now been distributed in both hard copy and online form. The newsletter includes information that is not currently available via our website or via the roundup, so JOIN THE DEPG to get the detailed information at the earliest opportunity. Please let us know by using our CONTACT FORM if you are a DEPG member and are still waiting for your copy.
The DEPG is entirely run by volunteers and we need to expand our volunteer numbers if we are going to be able to continue making progress on so many fronts simultaneously. If you have some time and feel able to help, please let us know by responding to this email or by clicking this link to use our online CONTACT form. We look forward to hearing from you !
The DEPG depends on the support of all of our members, so please make sure that your membership is up to date. If you are not sure about your membership status, please click here or on the image below to access your membership record via MEMBERMOJO. It is very quick and easy, and does not require you to remember yet another password. Thank you very much !
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