Weekly Roundup – 11-Aug-24

Weekly Roundup – 11-Aug-24

After putting in some sterling service on the brake van rides at the WSRA’s STEAM RALLY at Norton Fitzwarren throughout the previous weekend, our Class 14 ‘Teddy Bear’ D9526 was used to return the ‘Quantock Belle‘ dining set to Bishops Lydeard on Tuesday 6th August 2024. Pictured on the double track section at Norton Bridge by Terry Deacon © CC BY-NC 3.0


DEPG stablemate Class 09 D4107 (09019) shunted the goods train at Bishops Lydeard so that D9526 could then provide the motive power to return the steadily-growing collection of refurbished vintage freight vehicles to Minehead. Pictured at Westridge Sidings, Bishops Lydeard on Tuesday 6th August 2024 by Terry Deacon © CC BY-NC 3.0


The tidy up operation that followed the previous week’s WSRA’s STEAM RALLY at Norton Fitzwarren involved two DEPG locos. The tasks of returning the ‘Quantock Belle‘ and the vintage goods train to their regular stabling points fell to Class 09 Shunter D4107 (09019) and Class 14 ‘Teddy Bear’ D9526, the latter working through to Minehead then returning to Williton ‘Light Engine’ to await her next tour of duty. Well done to the locos and to the crews who manned the locos while on their special duties.


Mainline Rail Tour works through to Minehead:

D6566 (33048) waits with the afternoon departure for Bishops Lydeard while celebrity ‘Black Five’ 44871 (4871) runs around its stock before preparing to return the ‘West Somerset Express’ to Paddington. Pictured at Minehead on 10th August 2024 by Josh Brinsford © CC BY-NC 3.0



Adding to an already interesting week, celebrity Stanier ‘Black Five’ 44871 and West Coast Class 47 47812 (D1916, 47239, 47657) worked through to Minehead on Saturday 10th August, with a mainline charter from Paddington. The combination of the ‘mixed traffic’ steam loco with its diesel ‘assistant’ made for some great viewing and brought the photographers out in force.

See the picture page of the wsr.org.uk page by clicking on this link.

Discernible only from the distant smoke trail, celebrity ‘Black Five’ 44871 (4871) accelerates out of Williton on the return leg of the ‘West Somerset Express’ with West Coast Railway Co Class 47 47812 (D1916, 47239, 47657) at the rear, to provide the insurance and some occasional help. BR(W) 4-6-0 7828 ‘ODNEY MANOR’ waits for the token with Class 33 ‘Crompton’ D6575 (33057) also visible alongside. Pictured at Williton on 10th August 2024 by Andy Royal © CC BY-NC 3.0


As if this wasn’t enough, the WSR excelled mid-week by fielding their Class 115 Diesel Multiple Unit (DMU) on the diesel diagram of the peak season Yellow timetable on Tuesday and Thursday, but with the visiting GWR ‘Castle’ class HST running on the Wednesday. This pattern will continue throughout August, so try and get along to the railway to ride behind one or other or both of these iconic trains. Both have their plus points – the traditional environment and views from the DMU versus the quiet, smooth and air-conditioned comfort of the HST ! Many thanks to the volunteer GWR crews and support teams who are working alongside their WSR counterparts to deliver this HST experience !

The GWR ‘Castle’ class HST is in use on the diesel diagram of the Yellow timetable on Wednesdays throughout August. Power car 43155 was pictured approaching Dunster crossing on 7th August 2024 with 43154 at the rear. Photo by Dunster Info © CC BY-NC 3.0




Our locos will next be in use this coming weekend 17th/18th August when Class 33 ‘Crompton’ D6566 (33048) will be working the 10:00 departures and subsequent 80-mile diagrams from Minehead on both days.

Mid-week throughout August, the DMU will be operating the 11:00 Bishops Lydeard to Minehead and 15:25 return diesel service under the YELLOW timetable on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and the GWR ‘Castle Class’ HST will be operating the diesel service on WEDNESDAYS. It is well worth a visit to ride on these heritage machines – the HSTs are not far off from being 50 years of age and can only be found on the mainline in Scotland or in the Far West, beyond Exeter.

We have set another date for Class 35 ‘Hymek’ D7017 to haul the BLUE timetable diesel turn on Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th of the August Bank Holiday weekend and again on SATURDAY 21st September with 80 miles of haulage available each day.

Apologies, but contrary to previous information, we are not able to support a ‘Hymek’ running day on Sunday 22nd September so a Class 33 ‘Crompton’ will be hauling the train instead. We are currently looking into further options for September’s running and will be sending out a DIESELGEN bulletin ASAP.


Keep an eye on our DIESEL RUNNING DATES page for details of diesel-hauled public services and sign up to our DIESELGEN email bulletin service to get advance notice of non-public service running. 


FORTHCOMING EVENTS on the WSR (click on the links below for more details):

Saturday and Sunday 14th and 15th September – The Forties event



Click here to join the DEPG

Click here to go tour DIESEL RUNNING DATES page

Click here to go to our online shop

Click here to support D1010

Thank you very much for your support !




Class 52 D1010 ‘WESTERN CAMPAIGNER’ – some excellent news – the bogies and underframe of D1010 have been inspected by subject matter expert PAUL KOCH who pronounced several aspects as ‘the best he has seen so far’ and this bodes well for the speedy return of the loco to heritage railway service. Of course, there is always the risk of the unexpected and we have lot more disassembly to do yet, but it is very encouraging to receive such good reports on the parts removed so far.

The notoriously troublesome traction thrust brackets and their mountings under the loco were expected to need repairs, but those on D1010 show no signs of damage, just the wear to the rubbing surfaces that would be expected from the accumulation of mileage over the years. The cardan shafts appear to be in good condition, but they will all be sent out for specialist inspection and balancing. The intermediate gearboxes turn freely and silently, but will be inspected internally before pronouncing a verdict. So far, so good.

Meanwhile, Gordon and the team pressed ahead with the removal of the brake rigging on the ‘B’ bogie so that the bushes and pins could be inspected and replaced if necessary. On board the loco body, Paul T and Graham installed scaffolding boards in the underframe apertures that are normally occupied by the transmissions, so that our D1010 volunteers can resume work inside the loco body without risk. All in all, a great deal of progress with help coming from multiple directions, all of which is very much appreciated !

D1010 – one of the traction thrust brackets with the damper still attached and both wear pads from the ‘B’ bogie were gathered on a pallet for cleaning and detailed inspection. There are no causes for concern. Pictured at Williton on Saturday 10th August 2024 by Andy Royal © CC BY-NC 3.0


D1010 – one of the heavy duty arms that transfers the force from the brake cylinder (already removed) to the brake rigging for the centre axle was pictured in situ at Williton on Saturday 10th August 2024. Photo by Andy Royal © CC BY-NC 3.0


D1010 – on the other side of the bogie, Steve applied some gentle persuasion to the other arm to help it clear the close fitting mounting bracket as Gordon held it level. Pictured at Williton on Saturday 10th August 2024 by Andy Royal © CC BY-NC 3.0


D1010 – DEPG chairman Martin (left) comments that it is good to see Gordon smiling again as he acknowledges the rapid progress being made on the bogie overhaul work at Williton. Pictured on Saturday 10th August 2024 by Andy Royal © CC BY-NC 3.0


D1010 – a famous meme from the days of WW2 comes to mind as Graham works inside the loco (with Paul T, out of the picture), laying scaffold boards in the transmission apertures. This is a safety measure to protect our volunteers but also doubles as a security measure for the protection of the loco. Pictured at Williton on Saturday 10th August 2024 by Andy Royal © CC BY-NC 3.0


Please help us with this very important work by making a donation to the D1010 Restoration Fund and support the repair work that is taking place right now. Thank you in advance for your help.




Class 09 D4107 (09019) – this loco is based at Bishops Lydeard and is in regular use in support of WSR activities, as covered this week in the opening photos.


Class 33 D6566 (33 048) – This loco has the role of Duty Loco and is outstationed at Minehead throughout August. This loco will be in use on the BLUE timetable on Saturday and Sunday of this coming weekend, 17th/18th August. See our DIESEL RUNNING DATES page for additional dates.


Class 33 D6575 (33 057) – this loco has returned to Williton to undergo scheduled maintenance, receiving an underframe steam cleaning in the capable hands of volunteer loco manager Ian R on Saturday 10th. This loco will also receive attention to her rocker cover gaskets, some of which are leaking oil and make a mess on the cylinder heads!

D6575 (33057) – this loco was the target for the steam cleaner at Williton on Saturday 10th August 2024. Also cleaned were the massive transmission output cardan shafts from D1010, to tidy them up before shipping them out for specialist inspection and balancing. Also in the picture are D9526, D7017 and Barclay 578 (ROF 1). Photo by Andy Royal © CC BY-NC 3.0


Class 35 ‘Hymek’ D7017 – this loco is in good shape and is ready for her next booked duties, which will be on Saturday and Sunday 24/25th August and again on Saturday 21st September.


Class 35 ‘Hymek’ D7018 – the re-assembly of the transmission has now begun in earnest, with a ‘bottom up’ approach commencing with the output shaft at the very bottom of the transmission. This heavy-duty component is in very good condition, but the housing that holds it was severely cracked and had to be replaced with a spare from our stock. The repair of this transmission is the subject of extensive study and debating with three of the key knowledge holders pictured while at Williton on Monday 5th August.

D7018 – left to right, Martin, Paul K and Colin F study a giant-sized drawing depicting the internal layout of the Stone-Maybach ‘Mekydro’ k184u hydro-mechanical transmission. Pictured in the messroom at Williton on Monday 5th August 2024 by Kay Koch © CC BY-NC 3.0


D7018 – the transmission output shaft shown resting in the lower half of the casing at Williton on Monday 5th August 2024. Photo by Colin Foxhall © CC BY-NC 3.0


D7018 – volunteer Pete S was lying down on the job to tackle the big bolts that secure the lower part of the housing to the mid section housing. Pictured at Williton on Tuesday 6th August 2024 by Colin Foxhall © CC BY-NC 3.0


Please help us with this very important work by making a donation to DEPG funds and allowing us to support the repair work that is taking place on D7018 right now. Thank you in advance for your help.




Class 14 ‘Teddy Bear’ D9518 – the new Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) was fitted into the cab of the loco on Saturday 10th August and the wire path lengths measured so that new wiring can be installed to complete the job. The adjacent fuse and diode housing will need to be removed again to allow the internal cab panelling to be completed, but it will all fit together nicely when the moment comes.

The AVR is an example of the few instances where the original equipment on the loco is not being refurbished and refitted to the loco, but this is in the interest of protecting the authentic items of electrical equipment throughout the loco and is DEPG policy. The AVR is mounted on a bracket that is attached to the inside cab bulkhead and is fully enclosed when the loco is in operation, so it will not detract from the authenticity of the locomotive when returned to service – but it will make it more reliable and reduce the risk of damage to the electrical equipment on board the loco.

D9518 – the white-painted Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) is visible in this view of the cab assembly at Williton on Saturday 10th August 2024, with Colin G holding the conduit cover in the general position to show how it will all look when completed. This area is hidden from view when the loco is in service. Photo by Andy Royal © CC BY-NC 3.0


D9518 – the white-painted Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) fits under a shelf and behind a cab door. The control cubicle is to the left and the battery charging diode and fuse is in the orange housing to the right. Pictured at Williton on Saturday 10th August 2024 by Andy Royal © CC BY-NC 3.0




Click here or on the image below to make a donation towards the restoration of D9518Thank you very much for your support !



Class 14 ‘Teddy Bear’ D9526 – this loco was kept busy last week, as already mentioned above. The loco is now stabled at Williton and is waiting for her next job !


Class 47 47077 ‘NORTH STAR’ – this loco is based at Grosmont on the North Yorkshire Moors Railway but has had to be withdrawn from service for a while to allow repairs to made to the corroded silencer. The work is in progress and the loco should be back in service before the end of this season.

47077 – the new leather bellows has now been fitted to the air inlet side of the turbocharger. This replaces the severely cracked and disintegrating part that was in there previously. Pictured at Grosmont on Saturday 10th August 2024 by Pete Dawson © CC BY-NC 3.0


Andrew Barclay 0-4-0DH 578 – stabled outdoors on number 1 road, this loco is fully serviceable and available for yard pilot duties.



BOOK REVIEW: this week, we continue to offer VOLUME 2 of THE NORTH BRITISH CLASS 22 by Anthony P. Sayer.


           VOLUME 1 – Setting the Scene                                   VOLUME 2 – Detailed Insights

These curious beasts were designed and built by the North British Locomotive Company in the late 1950s and soon gained a reputation for unreliability and erratic performance that was not helped by their builder going into liquidation in 1962. Volume 1 tells the story of the origins and development of the NBL Class 22 locos, and covers each member of the class in some detail, in the usual style of the author. Volume 2 delves into their service record and extensive modifications list, ending with details on their final disposal. None were saved.

Highly recommended and offered at £26 per copy via the DEPG online storeClick here or on the image above to get your copy and in doing so, support the DEPG !

NOTE: We can supply many other titles from Pen & Sword or Platform 5 upon request. Please use our CONTACT FORM to let us know what you would like us to be offering from our online store. Thanks !


The DEPG 2025 CALENDAR is now available for mailing, comprising 14 printed pages of A3 (twice A4 size) glossy paper on a spiral wire binder. This calendar features the DEPG’s locomotives, both in service and in preservation, with all of the photos being provided by members and supporters. Click here or on the image above to GET YOUR COPY – WHILE STOCKS LAST – for £14 plus p&p.



ON SHED: this week, we draw upon the collection of DEPG Publicity Officer, volunteer and secondman MARK BLADWELL, with a shot of our very own Class 35 ‘Hymek’ D7017 alongside a Class 25 at Bristol Bath Road shed. The good thing about this shed is that it was easily observed from the platforms of the adjacent Bristol Temple Meads station, but the bad thing was that so many locos were so close, but just too far away to identify. In this particular case, the locos were positioned conveniently and Mark was easily able to record the details. We thank Mark for sharing his photo with us all.

Pictured at Bristol Bath Road shed on 29th March 1974, our very own Class 35 ‘Hymek’ 7017 was in the company of Class 25 7511 (25161) the ‘Hymek’ having been withdrawn but reinstated minus her train heat boiler, therefore banished to working freight and engineering trains until the end of her mainline career. What a lucky break ! Photo by Mark Bladwell © CC BY-NC 3.0



DEPG NEWS: the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (AGM) of the DEPG has been scheduled for Saturday 7th September, to take place at Williton Depot, starting at 1400. Formal AGM notices have been sent to all members according to their communication preferences (paper, paperless except newsletter or fully paperless). Please make a note of this date and please do come along to help, support and guide the DEPG for the long-term benefit of our heritage locos and associated artefact collection.

Only fully paid-up members will be able to vote, so please make sure that you keep your membership account is up to date. Click on the link further below to check on your membership status or use our CONTACT FORM to ask the question. Thanks !


The DEPG is a charity and is run entirely by volunteers, many of whom give both their time and their money to the continuance of work on the locos in the DEPG fleet. If you have been enjoying the roundup for free, have you considered joining us for just £1 a month ? You can then add your name to all of those helping out on the above projects and play your part in the future of our locos for a lot less than the price of a cup of coffee!


JOIN US using whichever membership class is appropriate for your situation and means. CLICK HERE or on the image below or use the QR code to get the details.



If you would like to go one step further and come along to help with the work on the locos in our fleet, then please use our CONTACT FORM to let us know that you would like to volunteer and we will respond with more details.

We look forward to hearing from you !


Go to the previous Weekly Roundup post