Weekly Roundup – 18-Aug-24

Weekly Roundup – 18-Aug-24

Saturday 15th June 2024 and Minehead had a distinctly diesel feel about it as the WSR’s Class 115 DMU was stabled alongside Class 33 ‘Crompton’ D6575 (33057) while the crew of Class 35 ‘Hymek’ D7017 changed ends to run back onto the stock to form the 14:30 departure to Bishops Lydeard. Photo by Carolyn Nation © CC BY-NC 3.0


The weather seems to have gone downhill since the blue sky days of June depicted in the photo above, but apart from that, ‘Hymek’ D7017 will be working from Minehead again this weekend as the loco is operating the diesel turn of the BLUE TIMETABLE on Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th August. The ‘Crompton’ is currently at Williton but sister loco D6566 (33048) is stabled at Minehead, whereas the DMU is currently stabled at Bishops Lydeard for use on the midweek YELLOW TIMETABLE, sharing duties with the GWR ‘Castle Class’ HST. There’s plenty of diesel action and variety on the WSR these days !


DEPG Class 14 ‘Teddy Bear’ D9526 was sharing the siding at Westridge, Bishops Lydeard with visiting GWR HST ‘Castle’ set 43154 & 43155 when pictured on Tuesday 6th August 2024. Photo by Terry Deacon © CC BY-NC 3.0




Our locos will next be in use this coming weekend 24th/25th August when Class 35 ‘Hymek’ D7017 will be working the 10:00 departures and subsequent 80-mile diagrams from Minehead on both days.

Mid-week throughout August, the DMU will be operating the 11:00 Bishops Lydeard to Minehead and 15:25 return diesel service under the YELLOW timetable on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and the GWR ‘Castle Class’ HST will be operating the diesel service on WEDNESDAY 28th August. It is well worth a visit to ride on these heritage machines – the HSTs are not far off from being 50 years of age and can only be found on public mainline services in Scotland or in the Far West, between Exeter and Penzance.

We have set another date for Class 35 ‘Hymek’ D7017 to haul the BLUE timetable diesel turn on Saturday 21st September with 80 miles of haulage available, with one of our Class 33 ‘Cromptons’ in use on most weekends from late August through to end of September. We are currently looking into further running opportunities for September and October and will be sending out a DIESELGEN bulletin ASAP.

Keep an eye on our DIESEL RUNNING DATES page for details of diesel-hauled public services and sign up to our DIESELGEN email bulletin service to get advance notice of non-public service running. 


FORTHCOMING EVENTS on the WSR (click on the links below for more details):

Saturday and Sunday 14th and 15th September – The Forties event

Williton signal box on 9th September 2023 during the WSR’s ‘1940s’ event – which takes place again on Sat/Sun 14/15th September this year. Photo by Jon Tooke © CC BY-NC 3.0



Click here to join the DEPG

Click here to go to our DIESEL RUNNING DATES page

Click here to go to our ONLINE SHOP

Click here to support D1010

Thank you very much for your support !




Class 52 D1010 ‘WESTERN CAMPAIGNER’feeling much more confident after the findings of the initial bogie inspection, our volunteers have pushed ahead with the dismantling of the brake rigging so that each component can be cleaned and inspected, and either repaired, replaced or simply repainted and set aside for re-fitting at a later stage. Some very large and very tight nuts remain to be removed by more persuasive means, and then we will be moving on to the removal of the primary leaf springs and the associated spring hangers and equalising beams. We are expecting these parts to be heavily worn with some in need of replacement, but we will cross that bridge when we come to it. The general scheme of work is as follows:

  1. Remove the cardan shafts
  2. Remove the brake rigging
  3. Remove the primary springs
  4. Remove the equalising beams and pedestals
  5. Remove the secondary springs
  6. Inspect the bogie frames, wheel bearings and gearboxes
  7. Replace the torque reaction rubbers
  8. Re-assemble using repaired or replacement parts as required.


Work has re-commenced on the bodywork repairs and repainting to get this work done while still possible outdoors, and work continues on the cooler groups with one undergoing re-assembly during the next few weeks. There’s plenty to do as always, so please CONTACT US if you are a DEPG member and would like to come along to help.

D1010 – looking down onto the ‘B’ bogie which has now been moved inside the loco shed at Williton to undergo further dismantling and cleaning. Pictured at Williton on Saturday 17th August 2024 by Andy Royal © CC BY-NC 3.0


D1010 – a view of the inboard end of the ‘B’ bogie with the two Maybach engines from the loco still on the oversize trolley on the right. Pictured at Williton on Saturday 17th August 2024 by Andy Royal © CC BY-NC 3.0


D1010 – one of the access platforms was rigged up alongside the loco body at Williton on Saturday 17th August 2024 so that rubbing down, filling and painting could continue. Photo by Andy Royal © CC BY-NC 3.0


D1010 – Thomas finds that there is plenty to be done inside the loco, especially now that there is so much space to get to components that are normally inaccessible, such as the compressor on the far right. Pictured at Williton on Saturday 17th August 2024 by Andy Royal © CC BY-NC 3.0


D1010 – the view through the engine bays from the ‘B’ end with the light coming through the cab door at the ‘A’ end, revealing a huge space that needs cleaning and painting. Pictured at Williton on Saturday 17th August 2024 by Andy Royal © CC BY-NC 3.0


Please help us with this very important work by making a donation to the D1010 Restoration Fund and support the repair work that is taking place right now. Thank you in advance for your help.



We are still offering the SPONSOR A PATCH scheme where your name or message will be engraved into the metal of the loco body as acknowledgement of your donations to the D1010 RESTORATION FUND. We are a bit behind with the engraving but now that the loco body has been determined as safe to work on, we can resume the engraving and catch up. There is plenty more metal yet to be engraved, so GET YOUR SPONSORED PATCH BY CLICKING THIS LINK !


Class 09 D4107 (09019) – this loco is based at Bishops Lydeard and is in regular use in support of WSR activities.


Class 33 D6566 (33 048) – This loco has the role of Duty Loco and is outstationed at Minehead throughout August. This loco will be in use on the BLUE timetable on Saturday 31st August and Sunday 1st September. See our DIESEL RUNNING DATES page for additional dates.


Class 33 D6575 (33 057) – this loco is Williton and is just awaiting the attention of the cleaning gang before she can be returned to service, changing places with her slightly older sister when an opportunity arises.

D6575 (33057) and ‘Hymek’ D7018 were stabled on No. 2 and No. 3 roads respectively when pictured at Williton on Saturday 17th August 2024. Photo by Andy Royal © CC BY-NC 3.0


Class 35 ‘Hymek’ D7017 – this loco is in good shape and is ready for her next booked duties, which will be on Saturday and Sunday 24/25th August and again on Saturday 21st September. The loco received maintenance attention from well-known DEPG media celebrity NEIL before being started up and used to shunt the yard.

Class 35 ‘Hymek’ D7017 was the platform of choice for Neil to show off his dazzling new overalls, complete with GOLD BR double-arrow logos. Pictured at Williton on Saturday 17th August 2024 by Andy Royal © CC BY-NC 3.0


Class 35 ‘Hymek’ D7018 – the re-assembly of the transmission continues with the careful checking and double-checking that is the hallmark of the ‘transmission team’ under the leadership of Colin F. This week’s progress involved the placing of the clutch operating forks and the secondary shaft into the housings, all done with great care and attention to the specified clearances and tolerances. Well done team !

On the loco itself, volunteer engineer Thomas was set the challenge of barring over the engine, which first involved arranging for the cardan shaft to be supported so that the bar could be engaged without the shaft being constrained by the transmission that is usually attached to it ! Needless to say, the job was soon done and the engine rotated freely and with no cause for concern.

D7018 – the internal oilways of the Stone-Maybach ‘Mekydro’ k184u hydro-mechanical transmission were checked for cleanliness by the gentle application of compressed air. Volunteer Tim carried out the checks on the lower half of the gearbox casing at Williton on Wednesday 14th August 2024. Photo by Colin Foxhall © CC BY-NC 3.0


D7018 – the six clutch selector forks were installed and checked for free movement by volunteer Tim at Williton on Wednesday 14th August 2024. Photo by Colin Foxhall © CC BY-NC 3.0


D7018 – the geartrain secondary shaft was lowered into position with great care and under the watchful eye of volunteer Tim at Williton on Wednesday 14th August 2024. Photo by Colin Foxhall © CC BY-NC 3.0


D7018 – the output from the engine is transmitted to the input shaft of the transmission via this enormous cardan shaft. Arrangements had to be made to support this shaft so that the engine could be ‘barred over’ (rotated manually with the help of a long steel bar) to keep it free and allow oil to be passed through it. Pictured at Williton on Saturday 17th August 2024 by Andy Royal © CC BY-NC 3.0


D7018 – the space normally occupied by the transmission, with the engine cardan shaft dominating the view on the left side and one of the bogie drive shafts visible in the lower right of the photo. Pictured at Williton on Saturday 17th August 2024 by Andy Royal © CC BY-NC 3.0


Please help us with this very important work by making a donation to DEPG funds and allowing us to support the repair work that is taking place on D7018 right now. Thank you in advance for your help.




Class 14 ‘Teddy Bear’ D9518 – the new Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) was wired up to the control cubicle and battery charging diode on Saturday 17th August, the job being carried out by John in his usual careful and professional style. Some more pipework was subjected to refurbishment and was hanging on the loco to dry, showing that parts continue to come to light and they invariably need cleaning, inspection, repair and repainting. The progress on the engine overhaul continues, mostly on Tuesdays, so we hope to have photos of that work next week.

D9518 – the white-painted Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) is visible in this view of the cab assembly at Williton on Saturday 17th August 2024, with the wiring now connected and made tidy. The item in the orange housing to the right is the battery charging diode and heat sink. This area is hidden from view when the loco is in service. Photo by Andy Royal © CC BY-NC 3.0


D9518 – some refurbished pieces of pipework were found to be hanging on the loco at Williton on Saturday 17th August 2024, no doubt drying after receiving the attention of Colin G and his spray gun. There is always something to be done on a major overhaul project. Photo by Andy Royal © CC BY-NC 3.0




Click here or on the image below to make a donation towards the restoration of D9518Thank you very much for your support !



Class 14 ‘Teddy Bear’ D9526 – this loco is stabled at Williton and is waiting for her next job, which will hopefully be in September … (news will be posted on DIESEL RUNNING DATES and DIESELGEN pages).


Class 47 47077 ‘NORTH STAR’ – this loco is based at Grosmont on the North Yorkshire Moors Railway and has recently undergone repairs to a corroded silencer and the replacement of the turbo inlet bellows. Before going back into service, the loco was due for an oil change, but coolant was found in the sump and this triggered an investigation into the source of the leak. The engine oil heat exchanger checked out OK so the crankcase covers were removed … and cylinder B3 was found to be leaking from the cylinder liner. This has to be corrected before the loco can go back into service, so arrangements are being made for the work to be done under subcontract so that the loco can go back to work before the end of this season. More news next week.

47077 – the arrow points to a droplet of coolant that has leaked past the seal in the liner of cylinder B3 of her Sulzer twin-bank engine. This must be corrected before the loco can return to service. Image from a video clip dated 15th August 2024 by Josh Smith © CC BY-NC 3.0


Andrew Barclay 0-4-0DH 578 – this loco was started up last Saturday and checked over, to keep her in good condition. As respite from the attention of the seagulls, she has been moved into the loco shed for a while, which will give us a chance to clean her up and give her some TLC. The loco remains fully serviceable and available for yard pilot duties.

Barclay 0-4-0DH 578 (ROF 1) is now inside the loco shed at Williton, and was pictured on Saturday 17th August 2024 as Class 33 ‘Crompton’ D6575 (33057) looked on with envy. Photo by Andy Royal © CC BY-NC 3.0



BOOK REVIEW: this week, we continue to offer VOLUMES 1 and 2 of THE NORTH BRITISH CLASS 22 by Anthony P. Sayer.


           VOLUME 1 – Setting the Scene                                   VOLUME 2 – Detailed Insights

These curious beasts were designed and built by the North British Locomotive Company in the late 1950s and soon gained a reputation for unreliability and erratic performance that was not helped by their builder going into liquidation in 1962. Volume 1 tells the story of the origins and development of the NBL Class 22 locos, and covers each member of the class in some detail, in the usual style of the author. Volume 2 delves into their service record and extensive modifications list, ending with details on their final disposal. None were saved.

Highly recommended and offered at £26 per copy via the DEPG online storeClick here or on the image above to get your copy and in doing so, support the DEPG !

NOTE: We can supply many other titles from Pen & Sword or Platform 5 upon request. Please use our CONTACT FORM to let us know what you would like us to be offering from our online store. Thanks !


The DEPG 2025 CALENDAR is now available for mailing, comprising 14 printed pages of A3 (twice A4 size) glossy paper on a spiral wire binder. This calendar features the DEPG’s locomotives, both in service and in preservation, with all of the photos being provided by members and supporters. Click here or on the image above to GET YOUR COPY – WHILE STOCKS LAST – for £14 plus p&p.



ON SHED: last week, we featured this photo from the collection of DEPG Publicity Officer, volunteer and secondman MARK BLADWELL, with our very own Class 35 ‘Hymek’ D7017 alongside a Class 25 at Bristol Bath Road shed. This photo was taken shortly after the loco had been restricted to freight and engineering duties by the loss of her train heating capability.

The caption last week implied that the boiler had been removed, but this was not the case – it had simply been isolated (made inoperative) so that it would not have to be maintained in the last months of the life of the loco.

DEPG Treasurer PAUL TUCKER immediately responded with a photo of an article that was carried in issue 382 of RAILWAY WORLD magazine in which the early days story of our two ‘Hymeks’ was told. We hope to feature this in more detail soon, but we will need permission which takes a little time to obtain. Meanwhile, here’s the photo from last week and the photo from Railway World below, showing that the boiler was in fact lifted out of the loco at Washford on the WSR on 18th December 1977 !

We thank Mark for sharing his photo with us all and Paul for bringing the boiler story to our attention.


Pictured at Bristol Bath Road shed on 29th March 1974, our very own Class 35 ‘Hymek’ 7017 was in the company of Class 25 7511 (25161) the ‘Hymek’ having been withdrawn but reinstated minus her train heat capability, therefore banished to working freight and engineering trains until the end of her mainline career. Photo by Mark Bladwell © CC BY-NC 3.0


Preserved Class 35 ‘Hymek’ 7017 had her boiler lifted out at Washford on the West Somerset Railway on 18th December 1977.  The above photo was accompanied by a very interesting article in RAILWAY WORLD magazine, issue 382 (summer 1978). Photo by The Diesel and Electric Group © CC BY-NC 3.0



DEPG NEWS: the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (AGM) of the DEPG has been scheduled for Saturday 7th September, to take place at Williton Depot, starting at 1400. Formal AGM notices have been sent to all members according to their communication preferences (paper, paperless except newsletter or fully paperless). Please make a note of this date and please do come along to help, support and guide the DEPG for the long-term benefit of our heritage locos and associated artefact collection.

Only fully paid-up members will be able to vote, so please make sure that you keep your membership account up to date ! Thanks !

A Board Meeting will be held at Williton on Saturday 31st August, so please let us know by using our CONTACT FORM if you are a member and have any questions that you would like to place before the board.


The DEPG is a charity and is run entirely by volunteers, many of whom give both their time and their money to the continuance of work on the locos in the DEPG fleet. If you have been enjoying the roundup for free, have you considered joining us for just £1 a month ? You can then add your name to all of those helping out on the above projects and play your part in the future of our locos for a lot less than the price of a cup of coffee!


JOIN US using whichever membership class is appropriate for your situation and means. CLICK HERE or on the image below or use the QR code to get the details.



If you would like to go one step further and come along to help with the work on the locos in our fleet, then please use our CONTACT FORM to let us know that you would like to volunteer and we will respond with more details.

We look forward to hearing from you !


Go to the previous Weekly Roundup post