Barclay 578 (ROF Bridgwater No. 1) was put to work on Monday and Tuesday 27/28 January 2025, hauling the WSRHT’s heritage coaches from Williton to Washford with Class 03 D2133 at the rear. Pictured arriving at Washford with TK 5856 on the 28th. Photo by Robin Wichard © CC BY-NC 3.0
The re-location of the West Somerset Railway Heritage Trust’s (WSRHT) collection of heritage coaches from Williton to Washford created a challenge for the WSR because of the frail condition of some of the vehicles, most of which have not been subjected to haulage by rail for a very long time. After careful inspection, the vehicles were given permission to be moved by rail – but one at a time with a loco top and tail and at a maximum speed of 5mph.
So, on Monday 27th and Tuesday 28th January 2025, the WSR’s Class 03 shunter D2133 arrived at Williton where the coaches had previously been made ready by DEPG Williton depot shunter Barclay 578 (ROF 1), and the two locos positioned at the top and tail of each coach in turn before heading off at walking speed. Over the course of two days, five heritage coaches were moved to their new home at Washford where they were shunted into the yard awaiting their turn in the restoration queue.
The chance for such a workout does not come along very often, but we are happy to say that ‘ROF 1‘ gave a good account of herself and got the job done !
DEPG and WSR volunteer secondman Chris was pictured while preparing to couple Barclay 578 (ROF Bridgwater No. 1) to the last of five WSRHT heritage coaches to be moved from Williton to Washford. Pictured at Williton on Tuesday 28th January 2025 by Mark Bladwell © CC BY-NC 3.0
Barclay 578 (ROF Bridgwater No. 1) was pictured departing from Williton on Tuesday 28 January 2025, hauling another of the WSRHT’s heritage coaches from Williton to Washford with Class 03 D2133 at the rear. The blue smoke soon cleared as the 52-year-old loco’s Paxman engine warmed up. Photo by Mark Bladwell © CC BY-NC 3.0
The repair of the hidden corrosion took a step forward last week when the DEPG authorised an additional block of expenditure to cover the cutting out and repairing of corroded body sections that are not normally visible or accessible, but that need to be dealt with to prevent further damage occurring. This work has been made possible by the generous donations that have been pouring into the D7017 bodywork overhaul fund, so a BIG THANK YOU goes out to all of the 63 people who have donated.
A combined team of DEPG and WSR volunteers are working alongside the WSR engineering team to keep this project moving forward and ensure that the loco is back in service in time for the WSR’s Summer Diesel Festival (5-7th June).
As we reported last week, the fundraiser for the bodywork repairs for ‘Hymek’ D7017 has been kept open with a new target of £12,000 with a total of £10,778 being raised so far.
The new target of £12,000 will cover most of the work being done on the loco, the remaining £3,000 being provided from the DEPG’s general fund. The sub-contract route was taken to make sure that the loco gets repaired during the winter and is able to take pole position in the celebration of 50 years of ‘Hymek’ preservation that will take place in the summer of this year.
The initial target was reached on 1st January 2025, but we are keeping the fundraiser open until the work is completed, to make sure that we have sufficient funding to cover any unexpected costs, and make sure that a thorough and long-lasting repair is carried out. All funds donated via this appeal will be allocated to returning D7017 to service in time for the forthcoming season.
Can you help ? Click here to donate £17 to D7017 !
If you can help with this short-term appeal, please make a donation via our website (click on the icons above or below) or by bank app or by sending a cheque to the DEPG at Williton. THANK YOU VERY MUCH !
As has been widely covered in the press, the Severn Valley Railway (SVR) suffered an embankment failure adjacent to a river bridge near Sterns, between Hampton Loade and Bridgnorth. The line is now closed north of Hampton Loade while the options for remedial work are being investigated. There is no doubt that this will be a lengthy and expensive repair, so the SVR is appealing for donations to its RESILIENCE FUND to help get the work done as quickly as possible. The SVR is an active base for many heritage diesel locomotives and the DEPG encourages all members and roundup readers to help support the repair fund as best they can.
An aerial view of the embankment failure near Sterns on the Severn Valley Railway. Pictured on Sunday 2nd February 2025 by Gary Essex (c)
The WSR have now published their running calendar for 2025 on their website and social media channels, and we have updated our DIESEL RUNNING DATES page including provisional loco allocations, some of which are subject to change to align with the availability of the locos and the crews. As the information becomes available, we will update our page and send out a DIESELGEN bulletin with the clarification.
Click here or on the image below to visit the WSR’s timetable page:
The WSR’s SUMMER DIESEL FESTIVAL has been confirmed as being Thursday 5th through Saturday 7th with a Mixed Traction Day on Sunday 8th of June 2025.
Click here to go to our DIESEL RUNNING DATES page
Click here to go to our ONLINE SHOP
Thank you very much for your support !
Class 52 D1010 ‘WESTERN CAMPAIGNER’ – as our attention turns to the assessment and repair of the various parts that have been removed from the ‘B’ bogie, some of our volunteers appeared eager to start work on the ‘A’ bogie – so we needed to measure the spring heights and clearances and record them in case any unplanned dismantling takes place. Cue former railway engineer Barry, who attended at the yard last Saturday and took the measurements, adding them to the tables on the drawings that he had also prepared. This information will be helpful when the bogie is being re-assembled, because it will allow us to get the settings approximately right before making adjustments to compensate for any repair work that has been carried out.
D1010 – the ‘A’ bogie is outdoors on number 1 road and is covered by a tarpaulin as it awaits a space in the loco shed. Volunteer Barry was pictured while measuring the spring heights and clearances at Williton on Saturday 1st February 2025 and recording them on the drawings that he also prepared. Photo by Andy Royal © CC BY-NC 3.0
Meanwhile, Gordon started work on the underside of the loco, scraping off the layers of dirt that hide some of the features of the underframe design. Being fabricated from some decent-sized steelwork, the underframe is in very good condition – but there is a lot of it – so we will welcome some help in tackling this massive task. The good news is that it is an under cover job, although the breeze can be rather cold at times !
D1010 – Gordon was hard at work, scraping the dirt from the ‘A’ end underframe at Williton on Saturday 1st February 2025. The substantial nature and good condition of this structural steelwork is apparent in this photo by Andy Royal © CC BY-NC 3.0
Our appeals for MORE VOLUNTEERS are working because we have had another new volunteer join us in the last week, which is great news, but WE STILL NEED MORE HELP to get this huge loco back on the rails, so please get in touch by using our CONTACT FORM if you are able to join the team.
As mentioned before, apologies to those D1010 sponsors who have yet to receive the photos and certificates for the patches that they have sponsored. The bitterly cold weather is preventing us from spending outdoor time on the engraving, so we will need to leave this work a little longer, at least until the temperature is back in (positive) double digits.
Rest assured that every sponsor will receive their certificate and the details of where to find their sponsored patch. We will be making a further push for funds soon, because we have some big ticket items for refurbishment, including the remaining cardan shafts and 32 springs from the suspension system.
MANY THANKS to all who have sponsored and supported the RESTORATION of D1010 !
Class 09 D4107 (09019) – the long list of work on this locomotive is now reducing to a few items that are either in final stages or are waiting for parts. The issue with the Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) was resolved last weekend by connecting the ‘right wires’ to the ‘right places’, so that was a quick one and was confirmed by an engine test run, during which the AVR worked exactly as intended.
The Oleo hydraulic buffers are being overhauled by a specialist subcontractor who also has many other buffers from various other railways, so there is a bit of a queue and we just have to wait a bit longer to get ours back on the loco. There are several small maintenance tasks to finish off, but nothing that is going to prevent us from getting this loco back in service during March – except perhaps the buffers ! We may have to borrow some buffers from another group in order to get the loco out of the shed and back to Bishops Lydeard on time.
D4107 (09019) – winter maintenance work is drawing to a close, although there are still some tasks that need to be completed before the loco can return to service in March. Pictured at Williton on Saturday 1st February 2025 by Andy Royal © CC BY-NC 3.0
Class 33 D6566 (33 048) – this loco has now returned to Williton to enjoy some rest and relaxation while her sister takes on the role of Duty Loco.
Class 33 D6575 (33 057) – this loco has now become the Duty Loco, after moving to Bishops Lydeard on Saturday 18th January.
Class 35 ‘Hymek’ D7017 – in addition to the bodywork overhaul that is taking place in the loco shed at Minehead, there are also a few other tasks that are being carried out. The reconditioned cardan shafts that connect the transmission to the dynastarter and Serck pump need to be re-installed and the droplight window on the driver’s side at the Minehead end needs investigating because it won’t go down as far as it should. Readers who remember the Summer Diesel Festival of 2023 might recall that the driver’s window at the Bishops Lydeard end dropped too quickly and shattered on the first day of the event, and it took us weeks to fix it, so we are eager to avoid a repeat performance !
In addition to his work on the bodywork repairs, volunteer driver and loco manager Neil has started work on the window and we will include his findings in the next edition of roundup.
Class 35 ‘Hymek’ D7018 – this loco is being prepared for the re-installation of her transmission and the start of a series of static tests that will hopefully allow the loco to return to service in this, the 50th year of ‘Hymek’ preservation. This loco was the last of the Class to be switched off, being withdrawn from service at Old Oak Common on 16th March, 1975. For more details, get a copy of our booklet ‘HYMEK D7018’ by clicking on this link.
The crane is booked to be on site on Saturday 8th February to lift the centre roof panel section off, then lower the repaired transmission into the loco, then lower the tested heat exchanger, then put the roof back on. This activity will be followed by a few weeks of work to re-connect everything and do some checks, then a start-up will be arranged with data logging of the various pressure sensors that will be fitted to the transmission to verify correct and safe operation. After all of these static tests have been completed, permission will be sought for a test run, probably in April.
The transmission heat exchanger was subjected to a pressure test at Williton last week and the unit passed with flying colours. The integrity of this device is critical because an internal leak could allow coolant to enter the transmission, resulting in corrosion damage. The leak test involved fitting blanking plates over the coolant connections and pressuring the housing with compressed air. The transmission fluid connections were covered with polythene film, held in place only by a layer of grease. Any internal leak in the heat exchanger matrix would result in a pressure increase in the transmission fluid circuit, which would be indicated by bulging of the film. Simple and effective.
D7018 – looking in through one of the coolant connection ports, the copper tubes that carry the hot transmission fluid are clearly visible. Pictured at Williton on Tuesday 28th January 2025 by Colin Foxhall © CC BY-NC 3.0
D7018 – for the pressure test, both of the coolant connection ports were fitted with blanking plates and sealed with gaskets. The tyre valve visible in the centre of the plate was then used to pressurise the housing, simulating the maximum operating pressure of the coolant. Pictured at Williton on Tuesday 28th January 2025 by Colin Foxhall © CC BY-NC 3.0
D7018 – during the test, the two transmission fluid connections were covered with polythene film held in place only by a layer of grease. An internal pressure leak would cause the film to bulge or be displaced. Pictured at Williton on Tuesday 28th January 2025 by Colin Foxhall © CC BY-NC 3.0
Class 14 ‘Teddy Bear’ D9518 – the crane has been booked to visit Williton to lift the cab assembly back on to the frames on Saturday 8th February, and everything is ready. The one thing outside of our control is the weather, so let’s hope for some good luck with that.
Meanwhile, there has been further progress with the engine overhaul, with the engine block getting close to being ready for re-assembly.
D9518 – Tuesday team members Nick and Gwyn (L-R) were pictured while working on the Paxman 6YJ cylinder block at Williton on Tuesday 28th January 2025. Photo by Mark Bladwell © CC BY-NC 3.0
D9518 – the cylinder block gets a coat of red oxide primer, courtesy of Colin G at Williton on Saturday 1st February 2025. Photo by Andy Royal © CC BY-NC 3.0
D9518 – the cylinder block carries the evidence of a pressure test that was carried out almost 60 years ago, on 25th February 1965. Pictured at Williton on Saturday 1st February 2025 by Andy Royal © CC BY-NC 3.0
Quality work needs to be funded, so we will continue to appeal for funds to support the work, right up to the point where the loco is completed. Any surplus will then be used to ensure her proper care and upkeep. If you like what we are doing, please make a donation via our website (click on the icon below) or by bank app or by sending a cheque to the DEPG at Williton. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT !
Class 14 ‘Teddy Bear’ D9526 – this loco celebrated her 60th birthday on Monday 6th January, as announced in an earlier post (click here for the post and for a video clip of her most recent engine run). This loco will enter the loco shed some time in the spring and will undergo engine maintenance and receive a paint refresh in time for her appearance at the WSR’s SUMMER DIESEL FESTIVAL 2025.
Class 47 47077 ‘NORTH STAR’ – this loco is based at Grosmont on the North Yorkshire Moors Railway and we look forward to seeing this loco being in regular use during 2025 !
We have been advised that this loco is booked to work an Empty Coaching Stock (ECS) train from Pickering on Wednesday 12th February, so keep an eye on the NYMR Railcams on that day to get a glimpse of this loco in action.
Andrew Barclay 0-4-0DH 578 – as covered previously, this loco has been very busy in connection with the re-location of the West Somerset Railway Heritage Trust’s carriage collection from Williton to Washford. It is great to see this powerful little loco being put to good use !
If you can help by donating your time to any of these projects, then please JOIN US and come along to the depot for an introduction to what we do and how we do it. We currently have people on site from Saturday through to Tuesday and we can open on other days if we can be sure of getting at least two volunteers on site at all times, so there is plenty of scope. We have tasks of all types to suit most capabilities, both skilled and unskilled.
Many thanks to all of our volunteers who give up so much of their time to work on the cleaning, painting, maintaining, restoring, managing and fund raising for our fleet of heritage locomotives !
BOOK REVIEW: many thanks to those who have already ordered this new book, and apologies for the delay in shipping, but we now have the books in stock and shipments will commence on Saturday 8th. Thank you for your patience!
This is a new release from Pen & Sword, another in the series of locomotive studies by ANTHONY P. SAYER and no doubt destined for similar positive reviews, as has been the case for other publications from this author (click here for details). His target this time is the short-lived Class 23 ‘Baby Deltic’, a rare example of a product from the English Electric stable that did not deliver on it’s promises. Anthony digs deep into the background and presents the story in his usual style, complete with fine detail.
Here’s the description text that has been provided by the publisher, Pen & Sword:
“The British Railways ‘Pilot Scheme’ orders of 1955 included ten English Electric Type 2 diesel-electric locomotives deploying Napier ‘Deltic’ engines. These locomotives, more colloquially known as the ‘Baby Deltics’, were introduced into traffic during 1959 for use on the Eastern Region of British Railways. This book looks at the history of the Class 23s, making extensive use of available but previously unpublished archive material, covering their introduction, technical idiosyncrasies, appearance design and performance. Issues with the original ‘Deltic’ engines were ultimately dealt with via a major rehabilitation exercise during the 1963-65 period; whilst various re-engining options were considered , including a new ‘U’ series English Electric high-speed engine design, the original Napier engines were ultimately retained. The work involved in the whole rehabilitation process is discussed in detail using internal English Electric archive material and forms a central focus of research. The fleet survived intact until 1968, when withdrawal commenced as a direct result of declining traffic levels across the UK, with successive National Traction Plans progressively selecting the less successful, non-standard and ‘numerically-challenged’ classes for removal from traffic. All ten locomotives were withdrawn by March 1971. Individual locomotive histories, allocations, fire and accident incidents, liveries and detail differences, storage and disposals are provided for each locomotive.”
Price £32 – NOTE: RRP is £35 so save £3 by buying from the DEPG !
Click here to obtain your copy of this new book.
Other books in this popular series are also available from the DEPG online store (classes 14, 17 and 22)
Four new books have just been added to our online store – click on the images below for details:
ON SHED: last week, we featured a photo from Mark Bladwell’s collection showing the 09:45 Paddington to Bristol Temple Meads on 21st August 1974 which had arrived with D1036 ‘WESTERN EMPEROR’ hauling the failed train loco 50013 (D413) (later to be named ‘Agincourt’). This prompted a response from DEPG member and loco owner Clive Burrows, who kindly provided the following feedback:
“The photograph of D1036 assisting 50013 highlights the appalling unreliability of the Class 50s at that time. I travelled on the 13:24 Bath to Bristol the same day (21.08.1974), which was hauled by 45112. The 13:24 from Bath would have been the 11:15 from Paddington, the service subsequent to the 09:45 that set out with 50013 and then failed. Interestingly, I travelled on the 19:45 Paddington to Bristol the previous evening (20.08.1974) and that was also hauled by 45112. Bristol Bath Road crews were trained on Class 45s for the cross-country services, which would have enabled these Bristol-Paddington services to be hauled by Class 45s, much to the annoyance of the Midland fleet planners! The dreadful performance of the Class 50s when first transferred to the WR contributed to the need to extend the life of the Class 52s.
I came across D1036 hauling air conditioned Mk2 coaches again on the Paddington-Bristol route two years later, on 7th May 1976, when I travelled on the 18:12 Fridays Only (FO) service from Paddington to Chippenham, which was a set of very hot air-conditioned Mk2 coaches, again hauled by D1036.”
We will have more feedback from Clive in the next edition of roundup, with a curious but plausible connection between the 18:12 FO and a photo that we featured in a roundup last year …
This week, we jump back across the Welsh Channel to Cardiff Canton depot, with a photo of our very own Class 35 ‘Hymek’ D7018 standing on the same road as the breakdown train. This is actually a postcard that was discovered when looking through some old documents. The postcard was published by the Oxford Publishing Co and credits the photographer as B J Nicolle (author of several railway books).
No date information is given, but a reasonable guess would be summer 1974, based on the generally tired look of the locomotive and the short shadow length. Does anyone have a photo of their own depicting D7018 on the breakdown road ? Or perhaps have a B J Nicolle book featuring this same photograph ?
Class 35 ‘Hymek’ D7018 was pictured on the breakdown train road at Cardiff Canton Diesel Depot in this undated picture postcard published by the Oxford Publishing Co. with photo by B J Nicolle ©
DEPG NEWS – there has been a delay in announcing the loco allocations for this year’s running, due to the need to align the plan with the availability of drivers. Details will be posted on our DIESEL RUNNING DATES page and sent out via DIESELGEN as soon as the crew rostering details have been finalised – hopefully during the coming week.
The DEPG is a charity and is run entirely by volunteers, many of whom give both their time and their money to the continuance of work on the locos in the DEPG fleet. If you have been enjoying the roundup for free, have you considered joining us for just £1 a month ? You can then add your name to all of those helping out on the above projects and play your part in the future of our locos for a lot less than the price of a cup of coffee!
JOIN US using whichever membership class is appropriate for your situation and means. CLICK HERE or on the image below or use the QR code to get the details.
If you would like to go one step further and come along to help with the work on the locos in our fleet, then please use our CONTACT FORM to let us know that you would like to volunteer and we will respond with more details.
We look forward to hearing from you !