Work continues at Williton depot to make preparations for a survey that has to be conducted to assess the safety of the roof of the Old Goods Shed. Our lovingly restored Class 14 ‘Teddy Bear’ D9526 has had to be woken from hibernation and moved outside the shed for one week to allow access for the elevated working platforms.
The image below, captured from the Williton webcam, shows the gleaming loco in a line with ‘Hymek’ D7017 and ‘Crompton’ D6575 (a hopper wagon is sandwiched between the two ‘Type 3s’). Many thanks to Railcam UK and the WSR for providing the webcam service from which this image was captured.

Last week, we mistakenly reported that the Class 14 in the below photograph from 1982 was D9526. We have since been advised that it was in fact D9551.

DEPG member and Class 14 team leader Simon Purvis reports:
“D9551 was a long term resident on the WSR, being bought from Corby steel works in 1981, arriving on the WSR 6/6/81. She worked until 1999, and was sold by the WSR in 2000 to the Royal Deeside Railway in Scotland. From there, she was sold in 2013 to a group on the Severn Valley Railway and has been working there since 2015.”
Many thanks to Simon for this information. He also provided us with the attached photo of D9551 wearing “Golden Ochre” livery. This photo was taken at Bridgnorth on the SVR on 16th August 2018, and shows DEPG Class 14 team member Terry Deacon doing some checks on the Paxman engine prior to startup.

The below photo shows D9551 leading D9526 as they run around their train at Minehead in the Autumn of 1983. Thanks to Ian Grady and for the photograph.

On Friday 20NOV20, ‘Crompton’ D6575 (33 057) was in action, hauling a coach from Williton to Minehead for maintenance, and returning with the WSR’s Class 115 DMU which is now stabled in the North Yard at Williton. The below webcam image shows the ‘Crompton’ doing the ‘DMU drag’ and slowing for the token exchange at Blue Anchor signalbox.

On Saturday 21NOV20, sister loco D6566 (33 048) was used on crew refresher training workings between Bishops Lydeard and Williton, during which DEPG members and drivers Robin Fisher, Paul Fleet and Neil McCannon renewed their Class 33 tickets under the watchful eye of Traction Inspector John Leach.

Thanks again to Railcam UK and the WSR for installing and operating these webcams. They really do help us all keep in touch with what is going on at the WSR.
Links to the Railcams can be found on the website:
Moving on to an update about the status of our fleet:
D1010: Work has been suspended for the duration of the lockdown.
D6566 and D6575: As stated previously, both locos have been in use during this week.
D7017 and D7018: No change from last week.
D9518: Work has been suspended for the duration of the lockdown.
D9526: This loco has now been moved outdoors but this is only a temporary move while the surveying of the Old Goods Shed takes place. The loco will move back in the shed after the surveying is completed, because there will be a length delay while the required work is put out to tender, and then a further wait for contractors that are qualified to work on this Grade II listed building.
47077: No change from last week.
The DEPG depot at Williton is classed as a workplace and is maintained Covid-safe as per Government guidelines. Work will only take place if deemed essential by the Board and our volunteers will only attend if it is necessary to do so.
Many thanks to our volunteers for their contributions to the essential tasks during this last week.