The survey of the roof of the Old Goods Shed at Williton has been completed and the results are disappointing. The slate roof tiles have apparently become porous over the years and this has led to deterioration and weakening of the underlying structure. As a result of this, we must vacate the building until structural repairs are completed, meaning that we have to remove all of our artefacts and find safe places in which to store them.

Our Class 14 ‘Teddy Bear’ D9526 will now have to spend the winter outside, unless some other arrangements can be made. This photo from Class 14 team member Terry Deacon shows the loco in splendid condition, standing outside the Old Goods Shed last Saturday, along with ‘Hymek’ D7017 and ‘Crompton’ D6575 (33 057).
On the day of the inspection, 25th November 2020, DEPG Chairman Martin Howard provided a photo of the Road-Rail-Vehicle-mounted Elevated Work Platform that allowed Andrew Young and the WSR Civil Engineering team to inspect the inside of roof and the supporting structure.

Similar photos of this very useful machine at work can be found on the website:
The next step will be a meeting between the WSR and the DEPG to determine the way forward and decide upon the strategy for raising the multiple-six-figure sum that will be required to allow work to proceed on this 158-year-old Grade II listed building. Read more about the Old Goods Shed at Williton by clicking here.
Many thanks to our volunteers for working so hard to make the building accessible for the RRV EWP and for their work since the inspection, on the removal of the hundreds of smaller artefacts.
DEPG LOCO WORKINGS: Yesterday, Class 33 ‘Crompton’ D6566 (33 048) was used on crew refresher training workings between Bishops Lydeard and Williton, during which several of the WSR drivers renewed their Class 33 “tickets”. More training services are running today, but steam only, using WSR 2-6-0 ‘Mogul’ No. 9351. These training services can be viewed from the webcams when they are departing from Bishops Lydeard and when “running round” at Williton. For advance notification of DEPG diesel loco workings, join the DIESELGEN mailing list, details as below:
Thanks again to Railcam UK and the WSR for installing and operating these webcams. They really do help us all keep in touch with what is going on at the WSR. Links to the Railcams can be found on the website:
Moving on to an update about the status of our fleet:
D1010: Work has been suspended for the duration of the lockdown.
D6566 and D6575: D6566 has been in use during this week and D6575 remains on standby at Williton.
D7017 and D7018: Work has been suspended for the duration of the lockdown.
D9518: Work has been suspended for the duration of the lockdown.
D9526: This loco has now been moved outdoors and needs to be prepared for the winter by providing protection from the worst of the elements. Although D6575 has to be kept outdoors and “at the ready”, the fact that she gets used is very helpful toward arresting deterioration. Her stablemates D1010 and D7017 are destined to be static outdoors through the winter and they are already partly covered by tarpaulins. Additional covered accommodation for all heritage assets remains a long-term goal of both the DEPG and the WSR.
47077: No change from last week due to the priority being placed on clearing the Old Goods Shed.
The DEPG depot at Williton is classed as a workplace and is maintained Covid-safe as per Government guidelines. Work will only take place if deemed essential by the Board and our volunteers will only attend if it is necessary to do so.