D1010: Work continues on the clean up of the original-style valances so that they can be measured. This will then allow new parts to be fabricated. DEPG member and WSR guard Jon Tooke has brought our attention to the the following photos:

The photo is from a book by DEPG member and Classic Traction contributor for Railway Magazine, Peter Nicholson, entitled “Diesel Locomotives in Preservation”. The photo shows that D1010 (masquerading as D1035 “WESTERN YEOMAN”) had been shunted too hard and the resulting impact had caused the valance to buckle outwards.
The damaged valance was replaced with a new part, but lack of funds meant that the new part was not authentic, having only one footstep recess and having angular corners. The difference between new and old can be seen from the two photos taken more recently at Williton, both by member Mark Townsend. As the valances at both ends have now corroded to a significant degree, the current project is to replace the valances at both ends with authentic items.

Many thank to Jon for bringing this to our attention and providing the background to the project.
D6566 and D6575: Both locomotives are being prepared for their “big day” on Monday, when the “Blue Star” multiple working capability will be put to use on these two for the first time since restoration. The loco pair will be driven from the lead locomotive by Traction Inspectors Mervyn Hebditch and John Leach, who will use the opportunity to carry out a peer review of each other’s competency before starting a programme of re-assessing other drivers.
Also on board (suitably distanced) will be Class 33 loco manager Ian Robins and our chairman Martin Howard, to make sure that everything goes well. Our team will also perform an underframe and traction motor inspection of the two ’33s’ using the pit at Westridge.
D7017: Awaiting bogie overhaul and spring replacement.
D7018: The transmission control functions were tested at Williton last Tuesday and the results were still disappointing. However, progress has been made because these tests were performed with a much higher level of monitoring, as will be seen from the attached photo by Martin and from the article that has been posted on our website:

More gauges are being arranged before dismantling takes place, to make sure that the fault can be traced to the particular valve or oilway that is not functioning properly.
D9518: The attached photo taken by Martin at Williton last Tuesday shows the progress on the brake frame, with the compressor now re-installed. This assembly will now go into store pending restoration of the rolling chassis. The electrical control cubicle is next to get the full treatment from Simon, Colin, Terry, John, Mike and the rest of the team.

D9526: Waiting for inspection and load testing.
47077: Several small tasks are now being dealt with on this loco, pending the major effort of hauling the four refurbished radiator shutter assemblies back onto the roof of the loco. This task is complicated by the need to ensure safety of the volunteers both above the loco and at ground level. We look forward to completion of this task so that the engine can be started and warmed up, to allow us to adjust the actuator cylinder attachment to ensure proper opening and closing.