• DIESELGEN – 27-May-21

    Class 14 ‘Teddy Bear’ D9526 arrives at Watchet Station on the 19th September 2019 during the WSR’s ‘Forties’ weekend event. Photo by Steve Edge © CC BY-NC 3.0

    On Saturday 29th May 2021, Class 33 D6566 will operate a crew training (route refresher) special between Williton (WN) and Dunster (DR) and Class 14 ‘Teddy Bear’ D9526 will operate between Williton and Watchet in support of the extension of WSR public services to Watchet (WT).

    The steam-hauled public services from Bishops Lydeard (BL) to Watchet (WT) will stop at Williton to attach the booked Diesel to the rear of the train. Upon arrival at Watchet and after the passengers have disembarked, the Diesel will haul the Empty Coaching Stock (ECS) and steam loco back to Williton where the two locos will change places. Then, the Diesel will haul the ECS and loco back to Watchet to pick up the passengers. On the return leg, the steam loco will lead and the Diesel will be uncoupled and will remain at Williton. These special arrangements are necessary because there is no passing loop at Watchet so the loco cannot run around its train while there.

    Class 14 D9526 will cover the Saturday working but Class 33 D6566 is the booked diesel for these top-n-tail workings to Watchet that continue through to Wednesday 2nd June. The timings for these workings are as follows:

    SATURDAY 29th May 2021

         0910 WN to DR – D6566 plus the Hawksworth Inspection Saloon

         Returning to WN at approx. 1215


         1200 BL arriving WN 1234 – attach D9526 at the rear of the train

         1245 WN arriving WT 1252 – steam loco leading

         1300 WT ECS arriving WN 1307 – D9526 leading

         1330 WN ECS arriving WT 1337 – D9526 leading

         1345 WT arriving WN 1352 – detach D9526 from the rear

         1402 WN arriving BL 1435


         1530 BL arriving WN 1605 – attach D9526 at the rear of the train

         1615 WN arriving WT 1622 – steam loco leading

         1630 WT ECS arriving WN 1637 – D9526 leading

         1700 WN ECS arriving WT 1707 – D9526 leading

         1715 WT arriving WN 1722 – detach D9526 from the rear

         1727 WN arriving BL 1803


    SUNDAY 30th, MONDAY 31st May and TUESDAY 1st June 2021

    As above except there is no crew training working so Class 33 D6566 will be the booked Diesel and the timings are brought forward by one hour as follows:

         1100 BL arriving WN 1135 – attach D6566 at the rear of the train

         1145 WN arriving WT 1152 – steam loco leading

         1200 WT ECS arriving WN 1207 – D6566 leading

         1230 WN ECS arriving WT 1237 – D6566 leading

         1245 WT arriving WN 1252 – detach D6566 from the rear

         1302 WN arriving BL 1335


         1430 BL arriving WN 1505 – attach D6566 at the rear of the train

         1515 WN arriving WT 1522 – steam loco leading

         1530 WT ECS arriving WN 1537 – D6566 leading

         1600 WN ECS arriving WT 1607 – D6566 leading

         1615 WT arriving WN 1622 – detach D6566 from the rear

         1627 WN arriving BL 1703


    WEDNESDAY 2nd June 2021

    Timings as Saturday 29th May except there is no crew training working so Class 33 D6566 will be the booked Diesel.


    Other workings may take place. The railway is to be considered as LIVE at all times.

    The webcams provide a very good way of watching the action from afar. Here are the links:

    BL: http://www.wsr.org.uk/r-cam-bl2.htm

    CH: http://www.wsr.org.uk/r-cam-ch1.htm

    WN: http://www.wsr.org.uk/r-cam-wn2.htm

    BA: http://www.wsr.org.uk/r-cam-ba1.htm

    Many thanks to Railcam UK and the WSR for providing these webcam services.


    Have you considered joining the WEEKLY ROUNDUP e-newsletter list? Click here for details.


    Interesting workings ? Click here to buy a ticket to ride.


    Thank you very much for supporting the DEPG and the WSR !

  • DIESELGEN – 24-May-21

    Class 33 D6566 (33 048) detaches from the stock of the 1510 crew refresher training service from Bishops Lydeard to Williton on Sunday 16th May 2021 while Class 52 D1010 ‘WESTERN CAMPAIGNER’ watches from number 3 road in the South Yard. Photo by Andy Royal © CC BY-NC 3.0


    On Tuesday 25th, Wednesday 26th and Friday 28th May 2021, Class 33 ‘Crompton’ D6566 (33 048) will operate between Bishops Lydeard and Dunster covering special workings in support of the extension of public services towards Watchet and Blue Anchor. Here’s the OUTLINE details:


    TUESDAY 25th May 2021

         1140 BL arriving WN 1215 with the Hawksworth Saloon then onwards to Dunster (DR) light engine (LE) to work ballast hoppers as required.

    WEDNESDAY 26th May 2021

         Work ballast hoppers as required, then return to WN LE

    FRIDAY 28th May 2021

         0930 WN to DR with Hawksworth saloon for route refresher workings, then return to WN.


    Trains may depart early. Timetabled workings and other workings may take place. The railway is to be considered as LIVE at all times.


    The webcams provide a very good way of watching the action from afar. Here are the links:

    BL: http://www.wsr.org.uk/r-cam-bl2.htm

    CH: http://www.wsr.org.uk/r-cam-ch1.htm

    WN: http://www.wsr.org.uk/r-cam-wn2.htm

    BA: http://www.wsr.org.uk/r-cam-ba1.htm


    Many thanks to Railcam UK and the WSR for providing these webcam services.

    You can join the DIESELGEN mailing list at any time by emailing contact@depg.org with DIESELGEN ADD as the subject.

    Have you considered joining the WEEKLY ROUNDUP e-newsletter list? Click here for details.

    Take care and stay safe!

  • Depot News – week ending 23-May-21

    Apologies to all who were trying to reach our website or send emails to DEPG addresses yesterday. Our DEPG domain suffered an outage and we are still recovering, hence the delay in sending out the roundup this week. Sorry about this. Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible!

    The BIG news this last weekend was the re-opening of the WSR to public services, with the first train being steam-hauled by WSR ‘Mogul’ 2-6-0 number 9351. CONGRATULATIONS to all of the staff and volunteers of the whole ‘WSR family’ of organisations who have pulled together to make this happen. Well done all !

    WSR 2-6-0 number 9351 hauls the first public service of 2021, pictured at Nornvis Cottage on Saturday 22nd May 2021 by Jake Genge © CC BY-NC 3.0


    On Saturday 22nd May 2021, Class 14 ‘Teddy Bear’ D9526 made a successful test run to and from Bishops Lydeard for the purposes of positioning over the pit at Westridge steam shed for an underframe exam. All went well, and the opportunity was taken for a crew refresher assessment under the watchful eye of the WSR’s Chief Traction Inspector Merv Hebditch.

    Class 14 ‘Teddy Bear’ D9526 arrives at Bishops Lydeard on Saturday 22nd May 2021. Photo by Charlie Cox © CC BY-NC 3.0


    As reported last week, D9526 had attempted the run to Bishops Lydeard on the previous Saturday but a number of snags caused by lack of use during lockdown had resulted in the departure slot being missed, so the trip was postponed. The rescheduled trip allowed the engine and transmission to get up to normal operating temperature and everything worked well, so the loco has been cleared for return to service. Watch out for the news of her next running date by keeping an eye on our website or signing up for our DIESELGEN bulletin service. 


    Class 33 ‘Crompton’ D6566 (33 048) was busy again, running crew training specials between Bishops Lydeard and Williton on both the Saturday and the Sunday last weekend. During this coming week, she will be in action on Tuesday and Friday, details of which will be posted in a DIESELGEN bulletin.

    Class 33 D6566 (33 048) detaches from the stock of the 1510 crew refresher training service from Bishops Lydeard to Williton on Sunday 16th May 2021 while Class 52 D1010 ‘WESTERN CAMPAIGNER’ watches from number 3 road in the South Yard. Photo by Andy Royal © CC BY-NC 3.0




    Class 47 47077 ‘NORTH STAR’ – there has been major progress on this loco – the new batteries were installed on Saturday 15th and the engine started quickly and easily. This was a major step forward and allowed us to test and evaluate the various auxiliaries and control circuits throughout the loco. Here’s a short video of the engine run:

    Class 47 D1661 47077 47613 47840 ‘NORTH STAR’ engine run at Williton, Saturday 15th May 2021, video by Martin Howard © CC BY-NC 3.0


    Another major step forward was the re-installation of the radiator shutter assemblies that had been fully refurbished during lockdown. This task required careful planning and preparation so that it could be performed safely using the overhead gantry crane and the staging. The photos below were taken from a safe, secured position and give a very unusual view of the roof, showing two of the four radiator shutter assemblies reattached to the structure, with one in the process of having the hydrostatic actuator re-installed.

    Class 47 D1661 47077 47613 47840 ‘NORTH STAR’ undergoing re-installation of the refurbished radiator shutter assemblies at Williton on 16th May 2021. Photo by Martin Howard © CC BY-NC 3.0


    Class 47 D1661 47077 47613 47840 ‘NORTH STAR’ a very unusual view of two-thirds of the Sulzer 12-cylinder engine taken from a secured position at Williton on 16th May 2021. Photo by Martin Howard © CC BY-NC 3.0


    Class 47 D1661 47077 47613 47840 ‘NORTH STAR’ undergoing re-installation of the refurbished radiator shutter assemblies at Williton on 16th May 2021. Photo by Andy Royal © CC BY-NC 3.0


    Class 47 D1661 47077 47613 47840 ‘NORTH STAR’ nameplates being secured by Graham at Williton on 16th May 2021. Photo by Martin Howard © CC BY-NC 3.0


    Class 47 D1661 47077 47613 47840 ‘NORTH STAR’ nameplate securely fitted and sealed against the bodywork at Williton on 16th May 2021. Photo by Martin Howard © CC BY-NC 3.0


    Class 47 D1661 47077 47613 47840 ‘NORTH STAR’ worksplate also securely fitted and sealed against the bodywork at Williton on 16th May 2021. Photo by Martin Howard © CC BY-NC 3.0


    Further progress was made on the cleaning and painting of both cabs and a number of other jobs were completed including the clean-up and repaint of the battery charger point and the external fire handles. All together, it added up to a lot of progress, so thanks go out again to our volunteers who paused their work on their ‘normal’ projects to join in with the work on the ’47’.

    Class 47 D1661 47077 47613 47840 ‘NORTH STAR’ sporting brand new batteries (6 visible out of the total of 48) at Williton on 16th May 2021. Photo by Andy Royal © CC BY-NC 3.0



    Class 33 ‘Crompton’ D6575 received some attention last weekend because of an electrical fault that had become apparent in the load regulator circuitry. This was investigated by Ian and Tom and quickly resolved, but the loco needs further attention on a fuel supply issue that has cropped up.


    Class 35 ‘Hymek’ D7017 – to maintain the engine and the batteries in good condition, an engine start on Saturday 15th was followed by a run of about an hour to bring the engine up to temperature and restore the charge in the batteries. Everything went to plan and the Maybach music was as sweet as ever!


    Class 35 ‘Hymek’ D7018 – this loco also had an engine run on Saturday 15th and everything went to plan. Work on the transmission has been suspended while the focus is on 47077.


    Class 52 D1010 ‘WESTERN CAMPAIGNER’ – this loco is being prepared for an engine run and a yard shunt that will take place on the weekend of 5th June, subject to progress being made on 47077, following which D1010 will go under cover in place of 47077 so that body repairs can commence. Do you have your copy of our new booklet “D1010 WESTERN CAMPAIGNER – FROM MEREHEAD TO MINEHEAD” ? All of the revenue from the sales of this booklet will go into the D1010 restoration fund, along with revenue from sales of pre-owned books, so please help the fund grow by buying from our online store. Thanks !


    Class 14 ‘Teddy Bear’ D9518 – the ‘Tuesday team’ are continuing to make progress on restoring multiple parts of the loco, with more parts being lined up for attention to keep the momentum going. In between other tasks, Colin continues his work on the wheelsets, as can be seen below:


    Class 14 ‘Teddy Bear’ D9518 wheelset receiving an undercoat from Colin at Williton on 23rd June 2021. Photo by Martin Howard © CC BY-NC 3.0


    Many thanks to all of our volunteers who are hard at work maintaining, restoring, managing and fund raising for our fleet of heritage locomotives !



    BOOK REVIEW – due to running late this week, we will have to skip this feature but we have plenty of book reviews lined up for you. Meanwhile, take a look at the pre-owned books on our DEPG ONLINE STOREthe entire proceeds of which will go to the D1010 restoration fund.

    If you have railway books that you want to donate to us, please let us know by return email or by using this contact form so that we can work out an economic way of getting them from you. We appreciate your efforts to give us more items to sell to raise funds for the DEPG fleet.


    ON SHED: This is another feature that we will have to skip this week, sorry !


    DEPG NEWS: The DEPG Board meeting that was scheduled for 22nd May 2021 has been moved to Sunday 30th May because of the need to focus on 47077, so you still have time to let me have any questions, topics or concerns that you would like to have tabled.

    The next edition of the quarterly DEPG newsletter is in preparation and is planned for distribution in mid-June. What would you like to see in this edition ? Let us know what you would find interesting. Do you have a story to tell ? Write your own article or alternatively, provide us with the information and we will do the writing.

    Membership – is your membership up to date ? If not, please renew by going to our Join Us page and selecting the appropriate membership ‘product’. This is a quick and easy way to keep your membership current. It doesn’t matter if you don’t remember your membership number – we will sort that out for you.


    DEPG WEBSITE: Our ONLINE SHOP IS NOW LIVE so go ahead and visit our store!

    This week, we have been doing some long-overdue administration in preparation for a database update, so we haven’t had a chance to add the many pre-owned books that we have received from several donors. It will take a little while to get all of those titles scanned and created as products, but don’t let that stop you from donating. The more the merrier, and MANY THANKS to all who have donated. Some of the donated items are rare and will either become raffle prizes or will be auctioned to raise funds for D1010 so we are very grateful for all of your support. It’s fantastic !

    We have just taken delivery of more mugs, the fastest seller being that for D1010 (predictably!) and we also have more DEPG hats and various colours of polo shirts and sweatshirts in stock now.


    WSR NEWS: The WSR have successfully restarted public services so we now need the public to support these services by buying tickets to ride!

    There are also several other temptations along the lines, including the Gauge Museum reopened at Bishops Lydeard and the famous Cream Teas available on some trains and at Stogumber station – the produce in the picture below is particularly mouth-watering!

    Stogumber Cream Teas are back on the menu – pictured on 22nd May 2021 by Bob Preston © CC BY-NC 3.0


    Keep an eye on the excellent wsr.org.uk website for all of the latest WSR news.

    The WSR are continuing to enhance their timetables with an extension to Watchet starting on Saturday 29th May, the latest additions feature temptations such as Fish & Chips or Cream Teas, all of which sound like the perfect accompaniment to a trip along the WSR. Check out the different colour timetables and you will see the catering services that go with most of these options. It is really important to support the WSR to ensure that these services are a commercial success so please buy a ticket if you can.


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  • Depot News – week ending 16-May-2021


    Class 33 ‘Crompton’ D6566 (33 048) has again been busy, running crew training specials between Bishops Lydeard and Williton in preparation for the restart of public services next Saturday 22nd May 2021. Here’s a view of D6566 at the head of a return working at Williton from earlier this month:

    On Saturday 1st May 2021, D6566 (33 048) had just taken over from sister D6575 (33 057) at Williton and was preparing to work the return leg of the crew training special to Bishops Lydeard. Photo by Josh Brinsford © CC BY-NC 3.0

    D6566 is in action again this weekend, working on Saturday and Sunday on crew refresher training specials.


    Also booked for a run from Williton to Bishops Lydeard on Saturday was Class 14 ‘Teddy Bear’ D9526, the purpose of the trip being a visit to Westridge Shed to go over the pit for an underframe examination. Unfortunately, a snag was encountered and the loco didn’t get to leave Williton, although she did make several runs within station limits while shunting D7017 and D6575 so that she could get out of the yard. More details on this next week.

    Class 14 ‘Teddy Bear’ D9526 runs within station limits at Williton on Saturday 15th May 2021. Image captured from the Williton North railcam, courtesy of Railcam UK and the WSR ©


    To keep up to date with our diesel loco workings, sign up to our DIESELGEN email bulletin service.



    Progress at Williton has been focused on 47077 ‘NORTH STAR’ during the last week as we try to close down some of the tasks that are preventing us from starting the engine. Again we managed to open the depot for four days out of the last seven, so this is becoming a ‘new normal’ now.


    47077 ‘NORTH STAR’ – The old batteries, 48 in total, were removed and were palletised for return to the supplier for recycling. The four battery boxes were tidied up in readiness for the new batteries to go straight in. Once installed, the new batteries will allow us to start the engine, which will then allow us to check the various pieces of equipment that are run from the auxillary generator (compressors, exhausters, blowers and control circuits).

    Further progress was made on the detailing of the number 2 cab, the photo below shows the work evolving:

    The number 2 cab of Class 47 number 47077 ‘NORTH STAR’ now looking much better with the instrument binnacle repainted in black at Williton Depot on 10th May 2021. Photo by Natalie Royal © CC BY-NC 3.0


    In addition to the tasks already mentioned, effort was put into rectifying a leak in the cooling system and resolving an issue with a faulty drain valve in the compressed air system, so thanks go out to our volunteers who paused their work on their ‘normal’ projects to join in with the work on the ’47’.

    Class 47 number 47077 ‘NORTH STAR’ stands on number 3 road inside Williton Depot on 20th April 2021. Photo by Chris Shields © CC BY-NC 3.0


    Class 33 ‘Crompton’ D6575 was the subject of a trial of a set of axle weighbars on Monday 10th May 2021 when Liam and Harry from WSR Restorations put their efforts into pumping the hydraulic jacks that lift the axle just clear of the rail so that the axle load can be read from a pressure gauge that is calibrated in tons. The trial was abandoned because the track at that particular point was not sufficiently flat, so the readings were erroneous. The weighing will be repeated on another occasion when the loco can be moved to a section of level track that has easy access on both sides.

    Hydraulic lifting equipment in place on number 1 axle of Class 33 ‘Crompton’ D6575 (33 057) at Williton yard on 10th May 2021. Photo by Harry Spencer © CC BY-NC 3.0

    Close-up of the hydraulic lifting equipment in place on number 1 axle of Class 33 ‘Crompton’ D6575 (33 057) at Williton yard on 10th May 2021. Photo by Harry Spencer © CC BY-NC 3.0


    Really useful engines – Class 33 ‘Crompton’ D6575 (33 057) faces off with Class 35 ‘Hymek’ D7017 on number 1 road at Williton Diesel Depot on a bright and sunny Spring day, Monday 10th May 2021. Photo by Harry Spencer © CC BY-NC 3.0


    Class 35 ‘Hymek’ D7017 – no change this week.


    Class 35 ‘Hymek’ D7018 – no change this week.


    Class 52 D1010 ‘WESTERN CAMPAIGNER’ – this loco is undergoing an assessment of the work that needs to be done before she can be returned to service. The work has to be evaluated and costed because this loco will be the subject of a fund raising campaign to raise money to cover the cost of the work. The revenue generated by our new booklet “D1010 WESTERN CAMPAIGNER – FROM MEREHEAD TO MINEHEAD” will go into this fund, along with revenue from sales of pre-owned books, so please help the fund grow by buying from our online store. Thanks !


    Yard clearance – last Saturday and again last Tuesday, several volunteers exerted some serious effort to shift two stacks of life-expired concrete sleepers that had been left in the yard during the winter period. This clearance will allow us to move locos that are on number 2 and 3 roads, eventually allowing 47077 ‘NORTH STAR’ to escape from the confines of the loco shed, her place being eagerly awaited by D1010 ‘WESTERN CAMPAIGNER’.


    Many thanks to all of our volunteers who are hard at work maintaining, restoring, shifting, managing and fund raising for our fleet of heritage locomotives !



    BOOK REVIEW – This week, we feature an interesting and unusual book entitled ‘TRAIN DOCTOR – troubleshooting with Diesel and Electric traction’ by Roger Senior, published by Pen & Sword in 2016. This book runs to more than 200 pages of fairly small print and is full of information and anecdotes about the author’s experiences as he worked his way from Traction Fitter at Leeds Holbeck depot in the late 1960s right through to becoming the Resident Engineer on the Mk 4 coach fleet on GNER.

    This book contains plenty of detail of how things went wrong and how they were corrected, with the author being an expert on the subject, having spent 16 years of his career riding on HSTs and Class 91s to make sure they ran properly (or in some cases, failed less often!).

    This book is available from various sellers but our DEPG ONLINE STORE has one copy that has been donated by a member for the purpose of fund raising, so we are offering it at £12.50, the entire proceeds of which will go to the D1010 restoration fund.

    If you have railway books that you want to donate to us, please let us know by return email or by using this contact form so that we can work out an economic way of getting them from you. We appreciate your efforts to give us more items to sell to raise funds for the DEPG fleet.



    ON SHED: Last week’s feature on Class 03 locomotive 03 382 (formerly D2382) generated several responses from readers who had knowledge of 03 382 when she was at Bristol Bath Road depot. We also mentioned sister 03 119 (formerly D2119) that was in the care of the DEPG for a while and remains safe today at the Epping Ongar Railway in Essex.

    Let’s not forget the WSR’s D2133 which entered service at Taunton depot in 1960 and never carried a TOPS (Class 03) number, being withdrawn from BR service in July 1969 following the closure of Bridgwater docks. This loco was immediately purchased by British Cellophane for use in their Bridgwater plant, and when rail traffic to that works ceased, she was offered to the WSR and has been based at Minehead ever since. In fact, this loco has never worked outside of Somerset !

    The WSR’s Class 03 number D2133 at work on a civil engineering train near Dunster on 29th April 2021. Photo by Rich Hiscox © CC BY-NC 3.0


    DEPG NEWS: The next DEPG Board meeting will take place on 22nd May 2021 so let me know ASAP if you have questions, topics or concerns that you would like to have tabled.

    The next edition of the quarterly DEPG newsletter is in preparation and is planned for distribution in mid-June. What would you like to see in this edition ? Let us know what you would find interesting. Do you have a story to tell ? Write your own article or alternatively, provide us with the information and we will do the writing.

    Membership – is your membership up to date ? If not, please renew by going to our Join Us page and selecting the appropriate membership ‘product’. This is a quick and easy way to keep your membership current. It doesn’t matter if you don’t remember your membership number – we will sort that out for you.


    DEPG WEBSITE: Our ONLINE SHOP IS NOW LIVE so go ahead and visit our store!

    This week, we have another new product to add, this time a print of a watercolour painting by artist Mike Jeffries featuring the National Railway Museum’s Class 52 number D1023 ‘WESTERN FUSILIER’. This loco was one of the last four remaining in service on the last day of ‘Western’ operation, 26th February 1977. Affectionately known as ‘fusebox’, she was the ‘official’ tour loco, although she was not exclusively used for railtours – see Depot News week ending 28-Feb-21 and Depot News week ending 14-Feb-21.

    This excellent print (495 x 360mm) is available for £10 and can be easily framed – it  would make a great companion to the D7017 print by Jonathan Clay, also available from our online store.


    WSR NEWS: The WSR are continuing to enhance their timetables for the services that will start NEXT SATURDAY 22nd May 2021. The latest additions feature temptations such as Fish & Chips or Cream Teas, all of which sound like the perfect accompaniment to a trip along the WSR. Check out the different colour timetables and you will see the catering services that go with most of these options. There is a huge effort going into the preparation, marketing and running of these trains, so it is really important to support the WSR to ensure that these services are a commercial success. Please buy a ticket if you can.


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  • DIESELGEN – 13-May-21

    Class 14 ‘Teddy Bear’ D9526 pauses at Crowcombe Heathfield while working a service train towards Minehead on a wet Sunday 23rd June 2019. Photo by Simon Purvis © CC BY-NC 3.0


    On Saturday 15th May 2021, Class 14 D9526 will depart from Williton (WN) and head to Bishops Lydeard (BL) and then to Westridge shed for positioning over the pit for an underframe examination. This is the penultimate step towards making her ready for service – the last step being a set of loaded test runs that will take place as soon as possible. Here’s the details of the workings for Saturday:

         0945 WN arriving BL 1018 then to Westridge shed.

         When ready and when a path is available, return from BL to WN.

    It may only be a light engine run this time, but it will still be great to see her out and about again.


    On Saturday 15th May 2021 and Sunday 16th May 2021, there will be diesel-hauled crew training specials running between Bishops Lydeard (BL) and Williton (WN) with Class 33 ‘Crompton’ D6566 (33 048) covering the duties. Here’s the details:


    SATURDAY 15th May 2021

         1030 BL arriving WN 1105 (diesel hauled)

         1145 WN arriving BL 1220 (diesel hauled)


    SUNDAY 16th May 2021

    The first two return services of the day will be steam-hauled but Class 33 ‘Crompton’ D6566 (33 048) will take over in the afternoon. The booked movements are:

         1015 BL arriving WN 1050 (steam hauled)

         1120 WN arriving BL 1155 (steam hauled)

         1300 BL arriving WN 1335 (steam hauled)

         1405 WN arriving BL 1440 (steam hauled)

         1510 BL arriving WN 1544 (diesel hauled)

         1605 WN arriving BL 1640 (diesel hauled)


    Trains may depart early. Other workings may take place. The railway is to be considered as LIVE at all times.

    Please note that the stations remain closed to the public and trespassing is not allowed.


    The webcams provide a very good way of watching the action from afar. Here are the links:

    BL: http://www.wsr.org.uk/r-cam-bl2.htm

    WN: http://www.wsr.org.uk/r-cam-wn2.htm

    After a long absence, we are pleased to note that the Crowcombe Heathfield webcam is back online. Here’s the link:

    CH: http://www.wsr.org.uk/r-cam-ch1.htm


    Many thanks to Railcam UK and the WSR for providing these webcam services.

    You can join the DIESELGEN mailing list at any time by emailing contact@depg.org with DIESELGEN ADD as the subject.

    Have you considered joining the WEEKLY ROUNDUP e-newsletter list? Click here for details.

    Take care and stay safe!

  • ‘Crompton’ D6566 at Roebuck Crossing

    Class 33 ‘Crompton’ D6566 (33 048) hauls a crew training special over Roebuck Crossing on Saturday 8th May 2021. Video by Martin Howard © CC BY-NC 3.0

    Class 33 ‘Crompton’ D6566 (33 048) was at work yesterday hauling a crew training special comprising six newly-painted Mark 1 coaches between Bishops Lydeard and Williton. The all-DEPG crew comprised driver Richard Jones and secondman Terry Deacon, both under the watchful eye of Traction Inspector John Leach. Also riding on the train was Colin Girle who would later be driving on the return leg of the journey. These crew training specials are part of the preparations for the re-opening of the WSR for public services on 22nd May 2021.

    This scene will be repeated today, as advised by our DIESELGEN bulletin service (click here for details).

  • Depot News – week ending 09-May-21

    Class 33 ‘Crompton’ D6566 (33 048) has been busy, running crew training specials and also moving Empty Coaching Stock (ECS) so that the newly-painted coaches are positioned at Bishops Lydeard in readiness for the restart of public services on Saturday 22nd May 2021. Here’s a great view of Castle Hill, just south of Williton, resplendent in Spring colours, showing D6566 (33 048) at work:

    On Saturday 1st May 2021, D6566 (33 048) has just taken over from sister D6575 (33 057) at Williton and now works the return leg of the crew training special past Castle Hill and towards Bishops Lydeard. Photo by Adam Hiscock © CC BY-NC 3.0


    This loco is in action again this weekend, working on Saturday and Sunday afternoon between Bishops Lydeard and Williton on crew refresher training specials. To keep up to date with our diesel loco workings, sign up to our DIESELGEN email bulletin service.



    There has been more progress at Williton, mostly directed at 47077 ‘NORTH STAR’ and Class 14 ‘Teddy Bear’ D9518. We again managed to have volunteers on site for four days out of the last seven, minimising risk and making better use of facilities.

    47077 ‘NORTH STAR’ – After running some tests, it soon became clear that the batteries were beyond redemption, so a decision was taken to place an order for new batteries at a cost of almost £5,000 for the set (48 in total). This expenditure will allow reliable starting for the next 10 years.

    The batteries are housed in four separate compartments, each holding 12 separate cells that are wired together. Each cell is larger than a heavy duty car battery! Each compartment will now need to be cleaned out in readiness for the new batteries to be installed. The battery box doors were removed, cleaned and painted last Sunday and the rest of the task will be tackled this weekend.

    One of the four battery compartments of Class 47 number 47077 ‘NORTH STAR’ in the process of getting a clean-up at Williton Depot on 2nd May 2021. Photo by Natalie Royal © CC BY-NC 3.0


    Other attention focused on correcting an issue that had existed since the loco had her vacuum braking system re-instated by Brush at Loughborough in 2007. The strainer that is used to protect the vacuum exhausters from dirt and debris had been installed at an unusual angle and was difficult to clean. After many hours of wrestling with pipework in the very cramped and crowded equipment room, our Chairman Martin Howard succeeded in removing and correcting the pipework and refitting the strainer so it now takes up its correct position and is easy to maintain.

    The Davies & Metcalfe exhauster strainer (the large grey object!) now re-installed in its correct position in the equipment room of Class 47 number 47077 ‘NORTH STAR’ at Williton Depot on 4th May 2021. Photo by Martin Howard © CC BY-NC 3.0


    At the other end of the locomotive, attention was given to a cleanup and repaint of the number 2 cab, the photos below show the work in progress. There’s a lot of detailing still to do, but the ‘office’ is looking very much better already.

    The driving position of number 2 cab of Class 47 number 47077 ‘NORTH STAR’ receives a clean-up and repaint at Williton Depot on 2nd May 2021. Photo by Natalie Royal © CC BY-NC 3.0


    The secondman position of number 2 cab of Class 47 number 47077 ‘NORTH STAR’ receives a clean-up and repaint at Williton Depot on 2nd May 2021. Photo by Natalie Royal © CC BY-NC 3.0


    Class 14 ‘Teddy Bear’ D9518 – The ‘Tuesday’ crew continued work on the wheelsets, filling and sanding the surfaces to provide a good smooth surface for painting. The photo below shows the wheelsets have now reached the primer stage, getting closer to the gloss black finish that will signify completion of the task.

    Wheelsets from D9518 in green primer, having already had the special surface treatment from Colin at Williton on 4th May 2021. Photo by Martin Howard © CC BY-NC 3.0


    Class 33 ‘Crompton’ D6575 is now stabled at Williton so that her sister loco D6566 (33 048) can accumulate some hours in service.

    Class 35 ‘Hymek’ D7017 – no change this week.

    Class 35 ‘Hymek’ D7018 – no change this week.

    Class 52 D1010 ‘WESTERN CAMPAIGNER’ – this loco is undergoing an assessment of the work that needs to be done before she can be returned to service. The work has to be evaluated and costed because this loco will be the subject of a fund raising campaign to raise money to cover the cost of the work. The revenue generated by our new booklet “D1010 WESTERN CAMPAIGNER – FROM MEREHEAD TO MINEHEAD” will go into this fund, along with revenue from sales of pre-owned books, so please help the fund grow by buying from our online store. Thanks !

    Class 14 ‘Teddy Bear’ D9526 – this loco is waiting for an opportunity to run to Bishops Lydeard so that she can go over the pit at Westridge shed and have an underframe examination. After that, she will be ready for service !

    Many thanks to all of our volunteers who are hard at work maintaining, restoring, managing and fund raising for our fleet of heritage locomotives !


    BOOK REVIEW – This week, a magazine article has been brought to our attention by Neale Long because it celebrates the 60th anniversary of the unveiling of the first of the brand-new Type 3 diesel-hydraulic locomotives that were built by BEYER-PEACOCK (HYMEK) LTD to satisfy an order for 101 machines for the Western Region of British Railways. These locos subsequently became known as the ‘Hymeks’.

    RAIL EXPRESS magazine May 2021 edition 300 features a 6-page article entitled ‘HANDSOME HYMEKS’ and presents a well-balanced account of the class throughout its short life in BR service. All four preserved ‘Hymeks’ are pictured, with D7017 shown working the ‘QUANTOCK FLYER’ on the West Somerset Railway on 19th March 1977 being the first to haul a service train in preservation.

    To whet your appetite, the final two pages of the article are pictured above in a purposely low-resolution shot to respect copyright. The article is well worth reading, so try and get hold of a copy if you can.


    ON SHED: Last week, we featured Ebbw Junction depot (EJ) on the western side of Newport, South Wales, with a decent coating of snow after some unseasonal late-April weather. The presence of a Class 03 shunter at EJ raised significant interest and several readers have sent information that can be shared this week. Here’s the picture again, as a reminder:

    FORTY YEARS AGO – 37284 rests at Ebbw Junction (EJ) depot on the morning of Sunday 26th April 1981 along with 03382, a loco that was destined for use on the Burry Port and Gwendraeth Valley line in West Wales. Low bridges on that route meant that the 03 needed her cab cut down, so for reasons unknown, that task was allocated to EJ. The loco had come from Bristol Bath Road and hung around the depot for months before being modified and then heading west. Photo by Andy Royal © CC BY-NC 3.0


    DEPG Treasurer Julien Weston commented:

    “Before it left Bath Road, 03382 was regularly employed as the outstationed Lawrence Hill yard shunter in Bristol, where it also worked the former MR Avonside Wharf and did one mile main line trip workings to Stapleton Road Goods Yard to transfer scrap metal wagons between the two yards. It was usually to be found stabled next to the shunters cabin immediately under the old MR mainline overbridge at Lawrence Hill.

    I took quite a few rides on it (and others) when I was a kid / teenager, but even it wasn’t allowed in Avonside Yard down by the river and had to “reach” the wagons over the Avon Road crossing (ungated, multiple tracks). It was said there had always been very old and insufficient track in that yard, which had long since disintegrated. The wagons actually used to run in the grooves left in the dirt!”

    Many thanks to Julien for sharing his memories with us.


    The Burry Port & Gwendraeth Valley Railway was built in the 1870s to serve the coal mines of the valleys to the west of Llanelli. The line was built to a very tight budget with lightweight track and minimalist earthworks. The bridges were very low and the line was also susceptible to flooding in places. Steam gave way to diesel in 1965 and the D2000 series 204hp Class 03 shunter was deemed the most suitable locomotive, with a modification being made to cut down the height of the cabs to clear the low bridges.

    BP&GVR map by Afterbrunel and Wikipedia © CC BY-NC 3.0


    Eight locos were modified and were based at Landore (Swansea). Because of the steep gradients on the line, the 204 hp Class 03s were often used in multiple so they were modified to have multiple-unit control systems. In 1981, it was determined that one more modified Class 03 was needed to work the line.


    DEPG Class 14 loco manager Simon Purvis shares the following information that was provided by Brian Penney:

    “The modification to permit two 204hp Class 03 locomotives in multiple was developed in the mid 1960’s by Eastern region for a freight working between York and Harrogate.  We could see that this arrangement would be particularly useful for working the BP+GV line, where three of these locos were used to take a train from Burry Port to Cwm Mawr, and in May 1967 I was sent to inspect the modifications at York and ride with the working to Harrogate.

    Landore had an allocation of eight 204hp Class 03s for working this line. These had been modified with cut down cabs to meet the loading gauge restrictions on the branch and it was agreed that Swindon would fit them with the air operated multiple control equipment.

    In 1981 it was decided that an additional locomotive, fitted with multiple connections, was required for the working, and Westinghouse were asked for the cost of supplying the valves and fittings. Apparently these items could not be supplied ‘off the shelf’ and would require special manufacture, with a consequent price well into five figures.

    It was known that Eastern Region had withdrawn some of their multiple fitted Class 03s and some had been sold to outside parties. After some detective work, we discovered that one of these, D2260, had been sold some eleven years earlier, to Mill Pit, Kenfig Hill, only 20 miles west of Cardiff.  A phone call to the pit engineer confirmed the loco was still at the pit and a visit arranged to inspect it.

    Surprisingly, the locomotive was found to be still fitted with all the multiple control equipment, although this had not been used since 1970. The pit engineer said that he had no use for it and if we could send staff to remove it, we were welcome to take it away.

    The selected additional locomotive was Bristol’s 03382, and it was arranged for Ebbw Junction carry out the work to cut down the cab, and fit the multiple control equipment. Ebbw Junction fitters went to Mill Pit to recover the equipment from D2260 and bring it back to Newport.”

    Many thanks to Brian and Simon for sharing this information with us.


    So, we now know why 03382 was at EJ for such a long time in 1983. It was all a bit pointless because the line was partly closed in 1984 and the remaining stub was worked by modified Class 08 shunters instead. The Class 03s were dispersed, 03382 being cut up at Swindon in 1986 and sister 03119 spending time on the West Somerset Railway in the care of the DEPG. The loco now resides on the Epping Ongar Railway in Essex.

    Modified BP+GV Class 03 number 03119 undergoes maintenance at Williton on 7th January 2008. Photo by Jon Tooke © CC BY-NC 3.0


    DEPG NEWS: The synopsis of the last DEPG Board meeting is now available for the benefit of our members. Please email contact@depg.org or use the CONTACT form to request your copy. The next Board meeting will take place on 22nd May 2021.

    The next edition of the quarterly DEPG newsletter is in preparation. What would you like to see in this edition ? Let us know what you would find interesting. Do you have a story to tell ? Write your own article or alternatively, provide us with the information and we will write it for you.

    For the last two weeks, we have asked this question …. which railway magazines do you buy on a regular basis ? 

    The results have been collated and the two leaders are RAILWAY MAGAZINE and RAILWAYS ILLUSTRATED although HERITAGE RAILWAYRAIL and TRACTION also figure quite prominently. Apart from these mainstreamers, there are several other titles, too numerous to mention, so it is a hotly-contested media sector!

    Many thanks to all of you who took the time to let us know your preferences.

    Membership – is your membership up to date ? If not, please renew by going to our Join Us page and selecting the appropriate membership ‘product’. This is a quick and easy way to keep your membership current. It doesn’t matter if you don’t remember your membership number – we will sort that out for you.


    DEPG WEBSITE: Our ONLINE SHOP IS NOW LIVE so go ahead and visit our store!

    Our new booklet, ‘D1010 – FROM MEREHEAD TO MINEHEAD’ is in stock so get your copy now! This booklet covers our Class 52 D1010 ‘WESTERN CAMPAIGNER’ and its life in preservation, from Foster Yeoman’s quarry at Merehead to the West Somerset Railway to Minehead plus some interesting stories from the days when the loco was still working on the mainline. All proceeds go to the D1010 restoration fund.


    WSR NEWS: The WSR have revised their timetable for the services that will run in the second week of re-opening, with services being extended through to Watchet where there will be a one-hour stopover to allow travellers a chance to stretch their legs in this lovely harbour town. See the BROWN timetable and the new YELLOW timetable for details. It is really important to support the WSR to ensure that these services are a commercial success. Please buy a ticket if you can.

    Preparations for re-opening continue with traincrew training activities involving steam and diesel haulage this weekend. The weedkilling train ran along the whole length of the line last week, so this should keep the line looking neat and tidy throughout the season.

    The Aquarius Land Rover powered weedkilling train operating at Crowcombe Heathfield on 6th May 2021. Photo by Steve Speck © CC BY-NC 3.0


    We are all looking forward to the return of public services on the WSR starting 22nd May 2021, so please try and support these recovery efforts by buying a ticket and having a great day out !


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  • DIESELGEN 07-May-21

    Class 33 ‘Crompton’ D6566 (33 048) pilots BR(W) 4-6-0 No. 7828 ‘ODNEY MANOR’ past Castle Hill on the climb out of Williton on 6th May 2021. Photo by Mark Ireland © CC BY-NC 3.0


    On Saturday 8th May 2021 and Sunday 9th May 2021, crew training specials will again be running between Bishops Lydeard (BL) and Williton (WN).

    The first two return trips of the day will be steam-hauled, but Class 33 ‘Crompton’ D6566 (33 048) will take over in the afternoon and will provide training and refresher opportunities for DEPG and WSR diesel crew members.

    The booked movements are:

         1015 BL arriving WN 1050 (steam hauled)

         1125 WN arriving BL 1200 (steam hauled)

         1315 BL arriving WN 1350 (steam hauled)

         1420 WN arriving BL 1455 (steam hauled)

         1515 BL arriving WN 1548 (diesel hauled)

         1610 WN arriving BL 1645 (diesel hauled)

    Trains may depart early. Other workings may take place. The railway is to be considered as LIVE at all times.

    Please note that the stations remain closed to the public and trespassing is not allowed.


    The webcams provide a very good way of watching the action from afar. Here are the links:

    BL: http://www.wsr.org.uk/r-cam-bl2.htm

    WN: http://www.wsr.org.uk/r-cam-wn2.htm

    After a long absence, we are pleased to note that the Crowcombe Heathfield webcam is back online. Here’s the link:

    CH: http://www.wsr.org.uk/r-cam-ch1.htm

    Many thanks to Railcam UK and the WSR for providing these webcam services.

    Take care and stay safe!

  • Depot News – week ending 02-May-21

    Another week of action and progress at Williton, the focus of activity being 47077 ‘NORTH STAR’ and Class 14 ‘Teddy Bear’ D9518. Restrictions on depot attendance remain in place but we again managed to operate on four days out of the last seven, minimising risk and making better use of facilities.

    47077 ‘NORTH STAR’ – Efforts were made to get her massive Sulzer 12-cylinder diesel engine ready to start after a long period out of use. The various tasks that were in progress around the loco had to be stopped and put in a safe condition to allow power-up and start-up. The ‘triple pump’ was run to prime the oil, fuel and water systems and everything was looking good. Several volunteers stood by with their cameras, ready to take a video of the event.

    The DEPG’s 1965 Crewe-built Brush ‘Type 4’, formerly D1661 but now Class 47 number 47077 ‘NORTH STAR’ residing on Number 3 road inside Williton Depot on 20th April 2021. Photo by Chris Shields © CC BY-NC 3.0


    Unfortunately, when the moment came to press the ‘START’ button, there was a click – but the engine did not turn over. The batteries had decided that they were not going to co-operate and that was the end of it. Although the batteries had been kept in a fully charged condition over the last year or so, the combination of the age of the batteries and the lack of use has meant that charging had become ineffective, leaving the batteries too weak to be able to do their job. A locomotive without batteries is useless, so we now have to replace the 48 individual batteries that make up the full set.

    Undeterred, our volunteers went back to their tasks and carried on, such disappointments being part of railway preservation life. Further attempts to start-up may be made this weekend using batteries borrowed from other locos and connected in parallel to boost capacity. Once started up, we will be able to complete our assessment of the work remaining to be done to get this loco ready for service.


    Class 14 ‘Teddy Bear’ D9518 – The ‘Tuesday’ crew comprising Terry, Colin F, Chris and Mark continued on renovating the sandboxes and getting them ready to refit to the locomotive frames. On the weekend, Colin G continued his work on the wheelsets, filling and sanding the surfaces to provide a good smooth surface for painting. The rate of progress is very encouraging!

    One of the sandboxes from D9518 gets some serious attention from Colin at Williton on 27th April 2021. Photo by Terry Deacon © CC BY-NC 3.0


    One of the sandboxes from D9518 ready for painting at Williton on 27th April 2021. Photo by Terry Deacon © CC BY-NC 3.0

    Chris makes sure that the sandboxes from D9518 get a good layer of undercoat at Williton on 27th April 2021. Photo by Terry Deacon © CC BY-NC 3.0



    Class 33 ‘Crompton’ D6575 is in action this weekend on crew training specials between Bishops Lydeard (BL) and Williton (WN). This news was broadcast yesterday via our DIESELGEN email bulletin service. This loco will change places with sister loco D6566 (33 048) during Saturday afternoon and D6566 will then work back to BL and will also work the crew training turns on Sunday. An additional working that is scheduled for Thursday 6th May is an Empty Coaching Stock (ECS) move from BL to Minehead, where D6566 will attach to some newly-repainted coaches and haul them to BL in conjunction with BR(W) 4-6-0 number 7828 ‘ODNEY MANOR’. These moves are part of the preparation for the re-opening of the WSR on 22nd May 2021.


    Class 35 ‘Hymek’ D7017 – this loco remains in the yard at Williton, having had her tarpaulins removed and having had a wash, courtesy of Ian. The plan for this loco is to be ‘lifted’ in late June or July so that her bogies can be rolled out so that the springs can be changed. No doubt there will be other work that will need to be done while the loco is lifted, but we hope to complete the work during the autumn so that D7017 is available for service in 2022.

    Class 35 ‘Hymek’ D7017 stands on number 1 road in the South yard at Williton on 20th April 2021, with Class 33 D6566 (33 048) to her left and Class 14 D9526 to her right. Photo by Chris Shields © CC BY-NC 3.0


    Class 35 ‘Hymek’ D7018 – this loco is inside the shed on number 2 road and is undergoing an investigation on the control block of her Mekydro hydraulic transmission. After several attempts to get the automatic gear change function working as it should, it has been decided to switch the control block for a known good control block that was in use at some time in the past. This will hopefully resolve the problem and allow more time for the delinquent control block to be further investigated to find the blockage (or stuck valve) that is preventing proper operation. In the worst case, the transmission will be locked in second gear and she will operate on the WSR in the same way as she did in 2019.

    A view of ‘Hymek’ D7018 through the former boiler room window of 47077 ‘NORTH STAR’ taken on 26th April 2021 while both locos were residing in the loco shed at Williton. Photo by Natalie Royal © CC BY-NC 3.0


    Class 52 D1010 ‘WESTERN CAMPAIGNER’ – this loco is waiting patiently outside the shed on number 3 road for her opportunity to displace 47077 and enter the next phase of her own restoration. With the remedial work on her failed transmission still held up by lockdowns, volunteer effort will be focused on the cooler group renovations and long list of bodywork repairs. This loco will be the subject of a fund raising campaign to cover the cost of specialist sub-contract services that will be needed to return this loco to service. The funds generated by our new booklet “D1010 WESTERN CAMPAIGNER – FROM MEREHEAD TO MINEHEAD” will go into this fund, along with revenue from sales of pre-owned books, so please help the fund grow by buying from our online store. Thanks !

    Class 52 D1010 ‘WESTERN CAMPAIGNER’ outside the loco shed on number 3 road at Williton on 20th April 2021, minus her lower front valances (already removed for restoration) and clearly in need of some bodywork repairs. Photo by Chris Shields © CC BY-NC 3.0


    Class 14 ‘Teddy Bear’ D9518 – information that was posted on rmweb earlier this week reminded us that our loco was the LAST of the class to perform work on BR back in April 1969 and one of the last ten to be withdrawn from service. Here’s an extract of some posts made by rmweb member “br2975” :

    On this day in history; Saturday, 19th. April, 1969
    Cardiff Canton allocated D9518 worked the following Radyr trips from Monday 14/04/1969 – Saturday 19/04/1969:
    06:15 Roath Branch
    09:35 Roath Branch
    14:20 Maindy                                                                                                              
    When D9518 returned to Radyr on the Saturday, it had completed what was the last recorded revenue working of a Class 14 loco on British Rail. Commencing Monday, 21st April 1969 this would become a Class 08 duty.
    On this date in history; Saturday, 26th. April, 1969
    The following reported withdrawn from Cardiff, Canton on this date:- 9500, 9502, 9514, 9518, 9527,
    The following reported withdrawn from Swansea, Landore on this date:- 9521, 9524, 9536, 9538, 9555
    These withdrawals rendered the class ‘extinct’ on B.R.

    Many thanks to Neil Evans and to rmweb member “br2975” for bringing this information to our attention. After serving BR for a mere four years, our loco went on to do seventeen years of hard labour at NCB Ashington Colliery before retiring and eventually coming into our hands.

    Bought from BR in full working order in 1969, NCB No. 7 (aka D9518) still had five more years of work ahead of her when seen operating at Ashington Colliery in this photo dated 25th May 1981. Photo by Colin Girle © CC BY-NC 3.0


    Class 14 ‘Teddy Bear’ D9526 – this loco remains hidden by tarpaulins on number 1 road, just outside the Old Goods Shed after being ‘evicted’ from its shelter because of the structural issues that are currently affecting that Grade II listed building. This loco has undergone a 250-hour inspection and is waiting for a test run to Bishops Lydeard so that she can go over the pit at Westridge shed and have an underframe examination. After that, she will be ready for service !


    Many thanks to all of our volunteers who are hard at work maintaining, restoring, managing and fund raising for our fleet of heritage locomotives !



    BOOK REVIEW – This week, we have another pre-owned book to offer via our online store, but this one is rather unusual and appears to be quite rare. “TRIBUTE TO THE FORTY’S – 1958 to 1986” is a paperback booklet, A5 in size (21 x 15 cm) with 100 printed pages and more than 200 photographs, all in black and white except those on the cover page. The booklet was published by the CLASS 40 APPEAL in 1986 and was clearly a success because seven members of the class have made it into preservation, including two mainline-registered examples.

    This rare booklet has been very kindly donated to the DEPG for the purpose of fund raising, so we are offering it at £15, the entire proceeds of which will go to the D1010 restoration fund.

    If you have railway books that you want to donate to us, please let us know by return email or by using this contact form so that we can work out an economic way of getting them from you. We appreciate your efforts to give us more items to sell to raise funds for the DEPG fleet.



    ON SHED: We didn’t have time to include our usual ‘On Shed’ feature last week, but I felt a bit annoyed with myself afterwards because I found that the very next day, Monday 26th April 2021, I had a note to release an ‘ON THIS DAY …’ post to share two photographs that were taken exactly 40 years ago, so after waiting all that time, I missed the boat ! Here they are today instead.

    FORTY YEARS AGO – there was an unexpected snowfall at the end on April, blanketing many parts of the country, including South Wales. This view of Ebbw Junction depot, on the western side of Newport, shows seven Class 37s and one Class 47, probably 47 901, at rest on the morning of Sunday 26th April 1981. The line going left is to Ebbw Vale, the four track South Wales main line is to the right, and Alexandra Dock Junction sidings are on the far right. Photo by Andy Royal © CC BY-NC 3.0

    FORTY YEARS AGO – 37284 rests at Ebbw Junction (EJ) depot on the morning of Sunday 26th April 1981 along with 03382, a loco that was destined for use on the Burry Port and Gwendraeth Valley line in West Wales. Low bridges on that route meant that the 03 needed her cab cut down, so for reasons unknown, that task was allocated to EJ. The loco had come from Bristol Bath Road and hung around the depot for months before being modified and then heading west. Photo by Andy Royal © CC BY-NC 3.0



    DEPG NEWS: The DEPG held a Board Meeting last Saturday, partly on site and partly by Zoom, and a synopsis will be prepared and included in next weeks’ roundup.

    Last week, we asked this question …. which railway magazines do you buy on a regular basis ? 

    We had several replies so we say thank you to those respondents, but we did not get enough responses to make a clear picture. Please reply to this email with the titles that you read and we will collate the results and share them in a future roundup. Thanks !


    Membership – is your membership up to date ? If not, please renew by going to our Join Us page and selecting the appropriate membership ‘product’. This is a quick and easy way to keep your membership current. It doesn’t matter if you don’t remember your membership number – we will sort that out for you.


    DEPG WEBSITE: Our ONLINE SHOP IS NOW LIVE so go ahead and visit our store!

    Our new booklet, ‘D1010 – FROM MEREHEAD TO MINEHEAD’ is in stock so get your copy now! This booklet covers our Class 52 D1010 ‘WESTERN CAMPAIGNER’ and its life in preservation, from Foster Yeoman’s quarry at Merehead to the West Somerset Railway to Minehead plus some interesting stories from the days when the loco was still working on the mainline. All proceeds go to the D1010 restoration fund.

    WSR NEWS: The WSR ran another of their popular Zoom sessions for volunteers last week and again it was well attended and very useful and interesting. We applaud the WSR for their investment in time and effort to hold these very informative sessions.

    Traincrew training activities continue with diesel haulage this weekend, as reported earlier. The weedkilling train will run this week to avoid a repeat of last year where volunteers spent many back-breaking hours performing hand weeding along the whole 22-mile length of the line!

    The priority is to ensure that everything is ready for the return of public services on Saturday 22nd May 2021. These ‘excursion style’ services will run between Bishops Lydeard and Williton and must be pre-booked via the WSR website. It is really important to support the WSR to ensure that these services are a commercial success. Please buy a ticket if you can. Thanks !


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